RTI International Vacancy: SUM 2 Project - Regional Coordinator (Jakarta), Indonesian

Program Background:
SCALING UP FOR MOST-AT-RISK POPULATION II (SUM II) is a USAID- funded program, which will provide technical  assistance in organizational performance required to scale-up effective, integrated HIV interventions that lead to substantial and measurable behavior change among Most-at Risk Populations (MARPs) in targeted locations in Indonesia.  The project is managed by Training Resources Group, Inc in partnership with RTI International.  The organizational performance topics include accountability, administration, advocacy, finance, governance, knowledge management, leadership, management, monitoring and evaluation, networking, partnership, policy development, resource mobilization, strategic planning and transparency.  SUM II will provide and monitor small grants to qualified civil society organizations to support the scale-up of integrated interventions in “hotspots” where there is a high concentration of one or more MARP and high-risk behavior is prevalent.  Note: this position will be an RTI International employee.

In Year Three, SUM II implemented multifaceted program aimed at building local and sustainable institutions and institutional linkages, and improving the interface between MARPs and service providers and support mechanisms in Indonesia’s HIV response. Now, in Year 4 SUM II planned activities to aggressively expand the quality of TA services to CSOs, health services providers, and the AIDS Commissions that will support to increase coverage and reach of HIV and STI services to MARPs.

SUM II will continue its intensive workplace-based organizational performance (OP) strengthening of Principal CSOs and strategic technical assistance (TA) to developing and emerging CSOs, and informal community organizations (COs).  The emphasis will be given to increasing the role of Principal CSOs in mentoring developing and emerging CSOs; and to building “one roof grant management” model for coordinating CSO activities.

SUM II will also take on a key role in ensuring the technical integrity of CSO and local government to  collaborate together to assure provision of most current evidence-based packages of technical support in services to most-at-risk populations and people living with HIV. The technical capacity is expected to support quality implementation of each element the 4-part intervention model for Comprehensive Services Networks
SUM II will also support local government organizational development to strengthen its leadership in the district HIV response; strengthens its planning and M&E across departments of local government and with local stakeholders; results in increased local financing of HIV services and programs; and, ultimately, also leads to increased sustainability of CSOs.
RTI International is seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill in the SUM 2 Project Regional Coordinator position to be based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Position Summary:
SUM II will support continued organizational performance (OP) strengthening of Principal CSOs and strategic technical assistance (TA) to developing and emerging CSOs, and informal community organizations (COs). In the absence of inputs from SUM I, SUM II will also take on a key role in ensuring the technical integrity of the implementation work of the CSOs.
Regional Coordinator will manage the implementation of SUM II’s four levels technical assistance in their respective regions:
  1. Technical assistance to CSOs via local TA providers and Principal CSOs
  2. Technical assistance to SUM II-approved local TA providers to extend the breadth of support and TA these agencies can confidently provide to CSOs
  3. Technical assistance to other MARPs and affected populations stakeholders
  4. Technical assistance to local government in promoting their leadership role in the district response (planning, operational management, and comprehensive services)
ESSENTIAL Duties & Responsibilities:
  • Develop regional-based annual program plan, review the achievements, and respond to any problems and challenges that may emerge.
  • Accelerate implementation of SUM II 4-part intervention model for comprehensive services networks, and promote them to local government and stakeholders at district and provincial levels for replication to MARP hot spots within the districts or province.
  • Work with RCBOs and TA Provider Institution partners to: 
    • Strengthen the Principal CSOs in organizational performance (OP), leadership, financial systems, and technical integrity so they have the capacity to be the mentor for developing and emerging CSOs. 
    • Improve the quality of CSO partnership with local health providers, and representatives of community organizations to deliver the intervention 4-part model for Comprehensive Services Networks (CSNs). 
    • Develop CSO advocacy skills so that they can access resources from GOI, private sector, and other project implementers, e.g., GFATM, AusAID, and other sources. 
    • Strengthen CSOs technical capacity in providing technical assistance to civil society at MARP-level to take the lead and determine the nature of the HIV response, taking responsibility for shaping plans and taking action, herein after called community organization. 
  • Coordinate with TA provider institution partners to continue intensive on-the-job training/coaching to CSO partners that implement model of intervention.  The TA will be CSO driven, and the TA provider will provide TA menus and technical assistance as per CSO requests. 
  • Support the provincial and district governments to improve the quality of their strategic action plans, annual costed action plans, and resource allocation mobilization plans. 
  • Support provincial and district government to lead advocacy targeted at leveraging funding from local government to support HIV funding being integrated into local planning and budgets processes (Musyawarah Rencana Pembangunan = MUSRENBANG). 
  • Ensure that program monitoring and evaluation is in place and used by the KPAD, multi stakeholders (government and non-government), and CSOs to measure progress to guide program planning and implementation, and for accountability.  
  • Project Management and Technical Responsibilities, Regional Coordinator will be responsible to the following activities:
    • Lead the development regional-based Annual Program Planning, regular progress review meeting, problem solving and follow up plan. 
    • Part of grant oversight responsibilitys, strengthen Civil Society Organizations and CSO’s HIV programs to implement “management for results”. The parameters for result driven indicators for CSOs are:
      • Project design and detailed plan of activities 
      • Finance and Administration
      • Human Resources
      • Operational management and technical Capacities 
      • Services networks and community participation/contribution
      • Utilization of monitoring data 
      • Regular progress review in monthly basis with involvement of BoD, and all staff involved in the project
    • Monitor CSOs in the effectiveness and accuracy of grant expenses
    • Ensure that project coverage data in the region is monitored and updated regularly.
Technical Assistance to Local Government will include:
  • Plan and provide local government with technical capacity building – to improve local government awareness of the district-specific HIV epidemic and demonstrate how local government leadership can be at the forefront of district-based HIV response planning and mobilization, operational management, and M&E; leadership that can help leverage greater financial and human resources for HIV/AIDs prevention and care. Technical capacity to the local government in the following six areas: 
    • Local government budget
    • Integrated resources management (SUM II, GFATM, AusAID, etc.) 
    • Integrated planning
    • Comprehensive services towards The 3 Zero (that is, zero HIV new transmission; zero morbidity and mortality; and zero stigma and discrimination) 
    • Local government leadership
    • Improved local government political and operational commitment (i.e., to policy change)
  • RC leads in facilitating district-based approach which is government comprehensive services network, based on its own resources. It is an approach that represents a shift from district-level project implementation (i.e., with GFATM funds) to district-led comprehensive services networks (with local government providing leadership for planning, budget/other resources, operational management and M&E). 
  • Facilitates Provincial level roundtables on best practices, held provincial and district levels in the regions that involve PAC, Province Health Office. province stakeholders, and project implementers; at least two roundtables held in each of the provinces per year. 
  • Facilitates Provincial level workshop on best practices and Four-Part Intervention Model , to involve Legislative, PAC, MoH, Provincial Planning Board, stakeholders, project implementers, CSOs, and MARP leaders.
Foster Community/MARPs participation: 
The leadership in these existing grassroots organizations will be tapped as volunteers for community self-help, to be leaders and determine the nature of their response, and take responsibility and be influential in shaping plans and taking action.  RC will work with TA Organizations to facilitate CSOs to agressively increase involvement MARP-led community organizations in design, delivery and evaluation of services, to help ensure (i) trusting and positive relationships with MARPs; (ii) appropriate MARP friendly   services ; and (iii) a supportive environment that encourages health seeking behavior.

Improve coverage in the response of HIV epidemic situation: 
Provide effective mentorship to the CSO partners to improve their performance, aggressively expand coverage (access and quality) of MARP-sensitive, HIV and STI services, and to expand the role of Principal CSOs in the HIV response. The strategy includes:
  • Current grantees
  • Other CSOs currently serving hotspots yet to be covered by SUM II
  • Other community-based organizations coordinating with CSO grantees that can help increase coverage of MARPs, partnering with organizations that fund CSOs to assist MARPs to access HIV and STI services
  • Supporting private clinics to provide services in hotspots.
Supervisory Responsibilities, Regional Coordinator will have two direct report, they are:
  • Regional Capacity Building Officer (RCBOs), and
  • Accountant
  • Bachelor’s degree with 10 years of experience or Master Degree with 6 years of experience in Public Health or relevant field to community development
  • Comprehensive knowledge to HIV/AIDS or other relevant public health and community development issues.
  • Familiar with government system and CSO’s working environment.
  • Excellent in communication skills for advocacy, training, and facilitation.
  • Excellent report writing skills
  • Ability to provide leadership as well as work as a member of a team
  • Fluent spoken and written Indonesian and some competence in English with strong writing skills.
Interested candidates should send the following documentations: Application letter and CV with 3 referees. Please indicate the position you are applying for in the email subject, and submit the application by 27 June 2014 to hr@rti-indomd.rti.org
