Behavior Change Communication Specialist to deliver Peer Education Workshop for MSM and transgender Indonesia (SR GWL-INA Network)

Behavior Change Communication Specialist to deliver Peer Education Workshop for MSM and transgender Indonesia (SR GWL-INA Network)
Issuance Date: July 4th, 2014

For: Behavior Change Communication Specialist to deliver Peer Education Workshop for MSM and transgender Indonesia (SR GWL-INA Network)  

ISEAN-Hivos-GF-R10-HIV/AIDS –“Strengthening community systems to reduce vulnerability to and impact of HIV infection on MSM and TG in Islands of Southeast Asia ”


The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) and the Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries (Hivos) jointly implemented the ISEAN Hivos Program supported by Global Fund Round 10. This program has the main goal of reducing the risks, vulnerability and impact of HIV and AIDS on the lives of MSM and transgender community in Island Southeast Asia Nations. It intends to address critical gaps in supporting and scaling up activities that reduce HIV/AIDS among MSMs and TGs.

GWL-INA Network, as the Sub Recipient Indonesia of the grant under the ISEAN-Hivos Program Global Fund Round 10 will be conducting its Phase 2 of implementation from October, 2013 to September, 2016. In this regard, GWL-INA is seeking applications for the Behavior Change Communication Specialist (2 persons) to deliver Peer Education Workshop for MSM and transgender Indonesia.

Scope of Work:
Deliver 5 days training which cover the following topics:
  1. Sexual Reproductive and Human Rights (SRHR) concepts;
  2. Communication and Social Marketing Strategy;
  3. Peer Counseling;
  4. Motivational Interview Strategy;
  5. Innovative, effective, and efficient approach in outreaching MSM and TG Indonesia;
  6. Social media use in outreaching MSM and TG Indonesia.
Tentative location and date of the training: Bogor, August 12-16, 2014

Key Qualifications:
  • Established experience/consultancy history in designing the behavior change communication component of the project, conceptualization and development of mixed media materials that translate research results into culturally appropriate messages and learning materials, particularly in the area of HIV, AIDS, preferably under Global Fund or with other international funding support; 
  • Experience in working with HIV Vulnerable Groups, particularly the Gay, MSM and Transgender People (GMT);
  • Preferably living in Jabodetabek area; and
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.
Minimum requirements:
  • Degree in relevant discipline preferably in Psychology, Communication, Public Health. 
  • Well experience in relevant professional, leading communication initiatives in developing/transitioning countries, communication activities associated with primary health care programs, solid mastery of health behavior change theory grounded in applied field applications, design and manage comprehensive behavior changing. 
  • Understand the key concepts and updated issues of MSM and transgender in Indonesia. 
  • Must have excellent communication, presentation and writing skills both in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Interested applicants are requested to send:
  • Their letter of expression of interest;
  • A profile of their expertise as well as requested consultancy rate/hour; and
  • A proposed training program that covers required topics above including the learning methods to be used.
Please send all required docs on or before July 18, 2014 17:00 hrs. Jakarta Western Indonesia Time to Operational Manager GWL-INA email: cc: Kindly use “BCC Specialist” as email subject. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
