Volunteer Work Thailand Vacancy: Community Experience Program - Thailand

Volunteer Work Thailand Vacancy: Community Experience Program - Thailand
This unique program offers yoga, dynamic and still meditation, ecstatic presence, life coaching, mindfulness practice, tantra, bhajans, compassionate sharing, retreats, workshops, and much more.

The program offers both short and long term volunteering opportunities for those who would like to support community work. The community work is divided into three main areas, work done at the school, helping the local Thai community, or the environment. For example, there are programs to teach English to a Thai community, animal care, working on an organic farm, and helping at the school.

There is no cost to participate but volunteers must cover their own living expenses. Community volunteers are entitled to participate in awakening and healing activities for free.

If you have any questions or want to apply please visit the Volunteer Work Thailand website and then contact host organisation directly. This project is listed on page five of the Volunteer Thailand pages.

Email: info@volunteerworkthailand.org
Closing Date: 13/10/2014
