Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network Vacancy: Web Developer and Membership Management Officer - Indonesian

ACCCRN and Mercy Corps have contributed significantly to increased interest in urban climate change resilience (UCCR) in Indonesia. A dozen cities are now interested in replicating the ACCCRN model, demonstrating the need to institutionalize the program’s learning in a national platform to strengthen and add momentum to these efforts. During Phase IV of the ACCCRN program in Indonesia, the main aim is to increase the synergy amongst the work, tools and networks of its stakeholders to build a comprehensive and effective resilience strategy applicable for cities, regencies, and provinces across Indonesia.

In parallel, as part of the final grant for this 9-year initiative, Mercy Corps has been selected to take the lead in building a regional network of practitioners and institutions to advance urban climate change resilience in Asia. Beyond an initial Rockefeller-funding period, the formulation of a network is intended to sustain and build upon the work of ACCCRN by strengthening relationships, continuing to build knowledge and capacity related to UCCR while expanding influence and the base of actors engaged beyond the current core partners.

Mercy Corps has set up a new membership website at ACCCRN.NET. By November 2015 it had recruited almost 600 members. In parallel, and in partnership with work conducted under a communications grant to Acclimatise, a content schedule is in place to expand website content in conjunction with a social media strategy. Other, ad hoc, materials are also being posted.

A dedicated officer responsible for understanding network membership, improving and maintaining the network website, and ensuring the website is responding to evolving membership needs is required.

Understanding the dynamic of the network, the ACCCRN Web developer and membership management officer will be responsible for developing, improving and maintaining the ACCCRN website (ACCCRN.NET) according to membership needs. It will require him/her to have the ability to add modules to the website, analyzing the membership interest using Google analytics and other tools as appropriate, and assisting the communication officer with website content management, Digital Media management and Mailchimp Newsletter release. For this we require the officer to have at least 3 years experience in developing, designing, improving, and maintaining websites preferably using Drupal as the platform; ability to understand and manage Mailchimp distribution and Google analytics. S/He will work closely with the ACCCRN Network Director and Deputy Director, Communications Officer, ACCCRN country anchors and content generators.

Knowledge and experience:
  • 3+ years of demonstrated experience in web management, digital communications, content development, information management, social media, brand strategy, and analysis;
  • Experience in web management using website content management systems such as Drupal and WordPress;
  • Strong familiarity with Microsoft Word/ Excel, Google Analytics, Hootsuite, Adobe Creative Suite, MailChimp and graphic design principles and practices;
  • Display a thorough understanding of the technical aspects of web and digital communications functionality, and in-depth knowledge of HTML5, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, and content management, email marketing system, CRM, CPanel and server & cache management, domain management, and digital assets management experience.
  • BA/S or higher in Visual Communication Design and/or Information Technology specifically for web development, or similar field in web programming;
  • Fluency in English verbal and written communication is essential;
  • Strong familiarity with Microsoft Word and Excel are mandatory.
Living conditions:
Based in Jakarta and occasional travel to ACCCRN city partners in Indonesia, and regional country offices as necessary.

Please send your CV with position applied on the email subject to:  
Vacancy will be closed 29 November 2015 and only short listed candidates will be contacted for interview.

We look forward to hearing from those who are interested in taking this opportunity to grow and develop with us.

Human Resources Department
Mercy Corps Indonesia
