German Red Cross (GRC) Vacancy: Programme Coordinator - Hargeisa, Somaliland

The German Red Cross (GRC) is part of a worldwide community assisting victims of conflicts and disasters and people affected by social or health related crises.

The Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement provides vulnerable people with assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions and adheres to the seven Fundamental Principles of the Movement: Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. The German Red Cross assists in disaster response, rehabilitation and capacity building projects internationally on appeals of their sister organisations within the Movement.

GRC is currently seeking an experienced Programme Coordinator to coordinate GRC project activities in close cooperation with the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS) in Somaliland in the fields of community resilience, disaster risk reduction and food security with a strong organizational development component. The position will be based in Hargeisa with frequent field visits to Boroma, Berbera, Burao and Las Annod and Erigavo if the security situation allows it. Possible ad hoc technical support to projects in Puntland may be requested.

GRC works in Somalia in a coordinated bilateral cooperation with the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS). At present, GRC supports four resilience projects in Puntland (two) and Somaliland (two). The projects are funded by PNS consortia, as well as the German Government (BMZ).

Duration: 15.03.2016 – 14.03.2017 (with the possibility of 12 months extension)
Location: Hargeisa, Somaliland

Responsibilities and Tasks: 
  • Manage the full project portfolio in Somaliland, including planning, monitoring and supervision of GRC/ SRCS projects in close cooperation with the Regional Head of Office and regional finance coordinator;
  • Establish close working relationship with SRCS project counterparts and ensure project team cohesiveness and a constructive and trusting working atmosphere;
  • Oversee all stages of implementation and provide necessary technical and project management guidance to SRCS. Act as a direct supervisor and mentor to other GRC project staff (including expatriate) on the ground, if applicable;
  • Assess existing project staff structure and propose improvements and changes, in discussion with SRCS and GRC EA office;
  • Establish/ improve/ uphold existing PMER systems with SRCS at all levels, in cooperation with SRCS. More particularly, establish clear and effective monitoring plans for all projects, in cooperation with SRCS;
  • Take active role and responsibility for financial project management, including budgeting, monitoring of expenditures, budget revisions, cash forecasting, control of procurement and other financial processes;
  • Submit timely and quality narrative and financial reports to GRC Regional Office as per GRC and external donor requirements;
  • Facilitate and assist SRCS in proposal writing;
  • Carry out regular and frequent project site visits, together with SRCS counterparts, and prepare field trip reports with analysis and recommendations, to GRC Regional Head of Office;
  • Ensure visibility of GRC funded projects through stories, photos and case studies, banners, etc.;
  • Provide, periodically, the GRC Regional Head of Office with a critical internal analysis of GRC engagement and strategy with SRCS and advise on possible adjustments, changes, or new opportunities for cooperation;
  • Identify priorities for disaster preparedness, mitigation, and disaster risk reduction through assessments of prevailing/ frequent disaster risks, vulnerabilities and capacities;
  • Assist in the integration of disaster risk reduction, gender, volunteer management and beneficiary accountability into all project cycles;
  • Promote understanding of the principles and ideals of the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement
  • Liaise with international, government and non-government organisations in Somaliland and collaborate with them where appropriate; 
Required Skills: 
  • Strong project management skills with a minimum of five years of experience working in relief, rehabilitation & development in an expatriate role
  • University degree in a relevant field
  • Proven experience in developing and executing effective monitoring and evaluation
  • Experience working with the RC/RC Movement is a strong asset
  • Work experience in several of the relevant sectors (DRR/CCA, livelihoods, food security), preferably in Africa or Eastern Africa/ Somalia
  • Experience and proven ability to develop proposals and manage complex grants from institutional donors, including German Government and EU/ECHO
  • Diplomatic skills in coordinating and cooperating with the Host National Society, local organisations, local authorities and other stakeholders
  • Proactive personality with leadership skills and experience in managing, coaching and supporting staff
  • Skills in negotiation, advocacy and mainstreaming new concepts and approaches
  • Oral and written fluency in English, any additional language is of advantage
  • Ability to work independently and as a team member
  • Ability and agreement to adhere to the Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
  • Ability to work effectively in multi-cultural environments, and proven high intercultural sensitivity
  • Readiness to work in a non-family posting and travel in remote project areas
  • Ability to complete a thorough medical screening process 'working abroad under specific climate and health conditions 
GRC offers you a compensation package according to the collective employment agreement of the GRC as well as an expatriation allowance during your mission. Depending on the post specific situation we either provide you with an accommodation or a personal allowance to cover your accommodation. In addition to a full insurance package (health insurance for residence abroad, private accident insurance, private liability insurance, luggage insurance) GRC is as well covering a home flight withing a 12-month period of assignment and medical check ups before and after your mission. Before your assignment you will benefit from a comprehensive training package and receive briefings prior as well as during and after your mission. In addition to annual leave, you will be entitled to R&R on a quarterly basis and as per the GRC HR regulations.
Kindly apply by submitting your application by using the GRC online application system DRK HR net (HERE) until 31st January 2016.
Please indicate Ref. No. 2016 – 008 with your application.
Further information on our recruiting procedure can be found on our homepage HERE

Deutsches Rotes Kreuz
Team Personalmanagement
Carstennstr. 58
12205 Berlin
