UNICEF Job Vacancy: M&E Sanitation & Hygiene Consultant - Lusaka, Zambia

M&E Sanitation & Hygiene Consultant:

UNICEF Zambia is recruiting an International consultant to support the development, adoption and use of relevant approaches and tools to strengthen the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting framework of the Hygiene and Sanitation Component of the National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme.

The Terms of Reference below provide details for this assignment.

Terms of reference: 

Title: M&E Sanitation & Hygiene Consultant
Purpose: To assist the WASH Team with the M&E of the Sanitation and Hygiene interventions in communities
Location: Lusaka, Zambia
Duration: 9.5 months
Start Date: 1st March 2016
Reporting to: Head of Toilet Team, WASH Section, UNICEF Zambia

According to latest JMP figures published in 2015, only 44% Zambians have access to an improved sanitation facility. More specifically, 2.3 million Zambians still practice open defecation – mainly in rural areas. Over 80% of all diseases in Zambia are environmental and related to water and sanitation. Zambia is one of the countries in Africa with least access to sanitation and hygiene services.

UNICEF Zambia supports the Government to implement activities on water, sanitation and hygiene education (WASHE). Between 2012~2015, with funding support from DFID UNICEF WASHE activities have been scaled up to 68 out of 94 rural districts in Zambia for accelerating progress towards meeting Sanitation MDG targets in Zambia by 2015. DFID has granted an extension to this programme until March 2018. This program will contribute to the Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH) objective of increasing sanitation coverage.

From January 2012 to December 2015, 3.1 million new users of improved sanitation facilities and hygiene practices were reached. In total 24 chiefdoms and three districts were declared ODF. The new phase will focus on capacity building and strengthening government ownership to hand over the programme to the government and achieve a long term sustainable implementation.

The monitoring and evaluation efforts at the MLGH have a strong focus on reporting, why the framework is called “Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting” (MER) framework. All efforts regarding follow up on programms, collection, analysis and reporting of data are included in the MER framework. The MER unit uses about 80 % of their time and efforts on the development of the national WASH Management Information System (MIS), which is partly implemented through the real time monitoring system (RTM) using the DHIS2 tool and related applications.

Objectives/Specific Tasks:
Support development, adoption and use of relevant approaches and tools to strengthen the ZSHP MER framework of the MLGH, with special focus on the successful development and roll-out of the WASH MIS based on the real-time monitoring system in 10 provinces for future sustainability without external support.

Specific Tasks:
Reporting to the head of the toilet team and in close collaboration with the toilet team, selected consultant will be required to carry out the following tasks over a 9.5 month period:
  • Develop a work plan to ensure completion of the assignment 
  • Develop a national CLTS manual compiling existing tools and guidelines to support capacity building efforts from MLGH to roll-out CLTS and sustain achievements.
  • Support the development of harmonized budgeting, monitoring and reporting system for MLGH to manage the implementation of rural sanitation interventions through Water Supply and Sanitation units in districts and provinces
  • Support MLGH for the Review / update of relevant Water and Sanitation sections of national survey questionnaires
  • Adapt monitoring tools and guidelines for harmonized M&E approaches within MLGH MER framework.
  • Strengthen capacity and processes within the rural WASH sub-sector for the consolidation of data provided from various sources (RTM system, paper trail data in districts not yet covered by the RTM) to favor the development of a functional MIS.
  • Strengthen processes and capacity of the MER unit on analysis, compilation and documentation of WASH data provided by districts to ensure evidence based planning by the government for rural sanitation.
  • Technical Support to ensure timely and quality contributions of MLGH to international WASH instances such as AfricaSan / eThekwini, SWA, GLAAS and JMP.
Tasks, Deliverables and Outcomes:

Deliverables and outcomes
  • Development of work plan and inception report 
    • Satisfactory inception report with work plan available 
  • Develop a national CLTS manual
    • National CLTS Manual drafted, reviewed and validated
  • Support MLGH for the Review / update of relevant Water and Sanitation sections of national survey questionnaires 
    • Updated versions of WASH related sections of national survey questionnaires
  • Support the development of harmonized budgeting, monitoring and reporting system for MLGH to manage the implementation of rural sanitation interventions through Water Supply and Sanitation units in districts and provinces
    • Standardized budget and guideline on for funds request and disbursements of the national budgets for sanitation interventions and monitoring by districts and provinces
  • Adapt monitoring tools and guidelines for harmonized M&E approaches within MLGH MER framework. 
    • MER framework updated reflecting to suit the planned WASH directorate at MLGH
    • MLGH MER Unit effectively monitors reporting rates ensuring that they do not drop below 65 % in districts handed over to GRZ
  • Strengthen capacity and processes within the rural WASH sub-sector for the consolidation of data provided from various sources (RTM system, paper trail data in districts not yet covered by the RTM) to favor the development of a functional MIS. 
    • MLGH MER Unit develop and maintain a national database on rural sanitation
    • Rural sanitation status available and accessible to TWG members and selected partner
Strengthen processes and capacity of the MER unit on analysis, compilation and documentation of WASH data provided by districts to ensure evidence based planning by the government for rural sanitation
    • Quarterly report template on rural WASH are developed and used to inform the management of the National Rural WASH Programme
  • Technical Support to ensure timely and quality contributions of MLGH to international WASH instances such as AfricaSan / eThekwini, SWA, GLAAS and JMP 
    • MLGH provides timely and quality contributions for relevant international WASH instances
Qualification/Specialized knowledge and Experience: 

  • Advanced university degree (minimum Master’s degree level) in one of the disciplines relevant to the following areas: Public Health, Sanitation/Water Supply/Civil Engineering, or a field relevant to international WASH related development assistance. 
  • 5 years of progressively responsible professional work experience in the UN and/or other international development organization, NGOs, Academic Institutions, national government or the private sector.
Specialized knowledge:
  • Current knowledge of WASH development issues, policies, as well as social programme strategies, procedures in international development cooperation in the WASH sector and/or experience with Community Approaches to Total Sanitation (CATS). 
  • Expert in technical leadership and knowledge of theories, principles and methods in the combination of selective fields of the following: (1) Community-based approaches to sanitation; (2) Innovative approaches to sanitation and hygiene; (3) social or sanitation marketing; (4) communication for behavior change; (5) WASH in schools; (6) monitoring and evaluation; and (7) Construction of WASH Facilities.
  • Excellent communication (written and verbal) skills in English
  • Computer literacy and proficiency in the use of computers: presentation, word processing, spread sheets, graphics, internet, etc. is a must
Application along with P-11 Form should be sent to lusaka@unicef.org with a copy to msekeleti@unicef.org by Sunday 2 March 2016: The Expression of Interest Form and P-11 Form can be accessed from HERE Please indicate availability, an indication of fee rate, and include a recent CV.

“UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization’’
