Jhpiego Job Vacancy: Sr. Innovations Advisor - Jakarta, Indonesian

Sr. Innovations Advisor will provide the vision and strategic direction to identify, conceptualize, develop and accelerate transformative programmatic and technology innovations while expanding a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship for a USAID-funded maternal and newborn health project in Indonesia. The Senior Director for Innovations will provide expert technical leadership and advice on an open innovations process that enables the identification, adoption, and spread of promising solutions and innovations through existing and leveraged financing and provide innovators with catalytic funding, technical assistance, opportunities for partnerships, information, and/or other support, aimed at facilitating their ability to achieve sustainable impact at scale. S/He will support an innovation ecosystem that fosters the development of creative programmatic and operational approaches, technologies and interventions, or information systems in order to break through barriers to progress, generating sound evidence to support sustainability and scale of innovations. The Senior Director for Innovations will coordinate with program partners, USAID, other donors and other contractors for program implementation, particularly assistance in managing relationships with industry, academic and research institutions, and product development partners. *This position is contingent upon funding

In collaboration with the Chief of Party, guide the work of the Innovations Board •Oversee the involvement of technical assistance partners in developing calls for innovations and in assisting successful applications to carry out technically sound innovations •Ensure and enhance adherence to Jhpiego’s guiding principles and philosophy of innovations development, which include commitment to affordability, accessibility, evidence-based and scalability in limited resource settings •Lead the vision of establishing a culture of innovation for the project, inclusive of establishing and executing the mechanisms to accelerate technology- or practice-based solutions for priority MNH needs throughout Indonesia •Lead the development, execution and evaluation of a solutions acceleration pathway by ensuring that sound innovation processes and methods are applied with rigor and discipline. •Foster catalytic networks and engage non-traditional stakeholders to identify, address, and propose solutions for health challenges and build evidence for better health •Proactively seek to build partnerships which leverage the combined skills, assets, technologies, and resources of the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to deliver sustainable health impact •Create mechanisms that foster and reward innovation across Indonesia •Represent the project at priority conferences, meetings, on working groups at national and regional level •Keep abreast of emerging research and best practices in the identification, development, introduction, acceleration and scalability of innovations in global health and ensure that this is shared in appropriate manner with project staff and stakeholders

Required Qualifications:
Master’s degree, with 10+ years working experience in business, health, or other related disciplines; those with multi-disciplinary or non-public health backgrounds encouraged to apply •In-depth understanding of health innovation needs, competitive landscape, and effective strategies for advancing local innovation and entrepreneurial ventures •Established record for creating transformative health and/or technology solutions •Excellent problem solving skills and comfort with new and creative approaches to innovations •Strong knowledge of USAID/Indonesia priority health focus areas •Excellent management, leadership, decision-making and interpersonal skills •Proven record of development and introduction of health technologies in developing countries •Proven skill interacting with multi-sectoral donor agencies and senior government officials •Ability to work with diverse international teams •Effective oral and written English communication skills; Bahasa Indonesia language skills strongly preferred

Closing Date: 31 July 2016
