FAO Job Vacancy: Seaweed Marketing Expert - East Sumba, Indonesian

Food and Agriculture Organization is currently looking for a Seaweed Marketing Expert to support the implementation of the Project TCP/INS/3502 - Decent Work for Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development (DW4FS&SRD): Support to selected coastal communities along the seaweed value chain.


FAO Indonesia in collaboration with the Ministry of Village and Development of Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration (Kemendesa) is implementing the project entitled “Decent Work for Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development (DW4FS&SRD): Support to selected coastal communities along the seaweed value chain (TCP/INS/3502)”. This technical cooperation project (TCP) is an initial input of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to the larger project on “Decent Work for Food Security and Sustainable Rural Development (DW4FS&SRD)”. The DW4FS&SRD project promotes employment creation and value chain development of three commodities, namely, maize, livestock and marine seaweed to accelerate the overall development of the Province of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) or East Nusa Tenggara. This TCP project supports the objectives of the large DW4FS&SRD project, but focuses on one commodity only, i.e. seaweed due to the limited financial resources available through the proposed funding mechanism, the overall importance of seaweed farming at the national level, the availability of coastal sites to expand production, and the concentration of rural poor along coastal communities.

Duties and Responsibilities:
The services provided by the Seaweed Marketing Expert will support the achievement of Output 2 : Producer and women associations in seaweed farming communities developed and initiated with improved market links.

Under the operational and overall supervision of the FAOR Indonesia, the technical supervision of the Aquaculture Service (FIAA) as Lead Technical Unit (LTU), in close collaboration with the Lead Technical Officer (FAORAP) and in consultation with the National Project Coordinator (NPC), the consultant will undertake the following tasks:
  • Provide seaweed products marketing study and analysis for both raw/fresh and processed products by the farmer groups and women groups and its enterprises.  that includes assessment on: 
    • Existing seaweed value chain 
    • Potential new seaweed and its processed products value chaiN 
    • SWOT Analysis on the potential new seaweed value chain
    • Recommendation on how to develop efficient and inclusive seaweed value chain 
    • Market development scenario for seaweed originally from East Sumba
  • Provide relevant recommendation  in developing inclusive and efficient value chain of seaweed to the farmer groups, women enterprises,  the local seaweed associations as well as the relevant government institutions. 
  • Carry out others tasks as required and appropriate for successful implementation of the project.
Expected Outputs:
  • Soft copy of marketing study report and analysis
  • Final scenario and recommendations for the development of inclusive and efficient value chain to the key stakeholders of seaweed.
MSc in aquaculture or related field; 15 years experience in seaweed industry management and development, processing, product development and marketing. Extensive experience in the organization of farmers associations is very desirable. 

Duty Station: Home based with several travels to East Sumba area

Working duration : 30 days when actually employed during the period of September to December 2016
How to Apply:
  • Please submit your application Letter and CV in English
  • Submit to : FAO-ID@fao.org
  • Deadline for submission is 16 September 2016
  • Only the qualified candidate will be proceed
