IACCB Job Vacancy: Government Adviser - Jakarta, Indonesian

The Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program (IACCB) is seeking applications for the role of Government Adviser.

We appreciate any referrals you may have or please forward this email onto your network.

Details of the opportunity are as follows:

The Program
The Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program (IACCB) was established under the auspices of the Indonesia-Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector (the Partnership). The program (AUD 9 million, 2016-2019) aims to promote sustainable commercial scale beef cattle breeding in Indonesia. This will be achieved by piloting a range of different breeding systems with industry partners to assess commercially sustainable approaches that can be up-scaled to facilitate investment, innovation and expansion of the beef cattle breeding industry. The three systems being tested include: 1) cattle integrated with commercial oil palm plantations (SISKA), 2) Silvopasture, open grazing, intensive grazing and 3) smallholder cooperative models.

The IACCB program provides support to carefully selected partners and their breeding system. The support aims to improve the partner's capacity and capability (knowledge, skills and physical capacity) in commercially sustainable cattle breeding and production. With these improvements, and effective monitoring and recording of data, the partner obtains evidence that the business of breeding cattle is commercially viable. This encourages partners to further invest in the expansion of their cattle breeding business beyond the pilot phase. The sharing of project lessons and promotion of commercially viable business models to other industry players will aim to encourage them to invest in cattle breeding, and ultimately the expansion in the Indonesian cattle-breeding sector.

IACCB partners with corporate Indonesia and smallholder farmers. The IACCB Program Board includes representatives from two Australian Ministries (DFAT and DAWR), two Indonesian Ministries (BKPM and MoA) and private industry from both Australia and Indonesia. Two-way communications with Ministries is vital for Program success, and is a core task of IACCB. The IACCB requires a Senior Government Advisor to effectively communicate the Program's activities, challenges and progress with the MoA.

To contribute to the IACCBP, Coffey is currently seeking applications for a Government Adviser (part time) to be based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Position
The Government Adviser will be responsible for communicating in IACCBP Program activities, progress, and challenges to the MoA. He/she will facilitate interaction between IACCBP and MoA at both the Program and Project level, giving feedback on IACCBP from the MoA. He/she will also interact with BKPM, DAW, and DFAT by IACCBP Team Leader direction.

Working under the supervision of the IACCBP Team Leader, the Government Adviser will contribute to the following work streams:

  • Develop a sound knowledge of the IACCB Program, the projects and partners; the rationale behind the selection of each project, the issues and challenges faced since implementation, and IACCB's 12 month work-plan.
  • Meet with MoA, BKPM, DFAT, DAWR, and Indonesian Industry to clarify expectations of the role
  • Develop a Draft IACCB/MOA Communication Strategy and Plan aimed at several things such as improving the profile and understanding of IACCBP and the Partnership across relevant MoA Directorates; etc
  • Revise the IACCB/MOA Communication Strategy and Plan based on IACCB Team Leader feedback
  • Implement the IACCB Team Leader approved Communication Strategy and Plan
  • Submit to the IACCB Team Leader a concise Monthly Report outlining activities and outputs from the previous month and the proposed activities for the month
The Person
To be considered for this role you will have demonstrated level experience in with MoA. She/he should have an experience in Livestock Department and having strong relationship with current staff in MoA. And we expect the candidate is experience in having knowledge of Indonesia - Australia Partnership for Food Security in Red Meat and Cattle, understanding the issues and challenging of breeding cattle commercially in Indonesia, ideally in an international development context.

Further enquiries can be directed to recruitment.indonesia@coffey.com, quoting job number 495005.

This is a locally engaged position; Indonesian nationals are encouraged to apply.

Applications close: 1700 (Jakarta time) 18th December 2016.

Coffey has a 40 year history in successfully delivering international development projects on behalf of donors right around the world, including Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, USAID and the UK's Department for International Development. Our people work side by side with local partners to support stability, economic growth and good governance, positively changing people's lives.
