ICCO International Call for Consultancy on Baseline Study for the SMARTSeeds Indonesian

ICCO Cooperation is a Dutch organization with 50 years of experience and global presence of five regional offices. The regional office in South East Asia implements programs in Myanmar, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam. Together with our partners from the public and private sector ICCO works towards a just and dignified life for all, by promoting opportunities for economic empowerment and inclusive development. Responsible and inclusive growth is connected to ICCO’s two core principles: Securing Sustainable Livelihoods and Justice & Dignity for All. Our regional office is based in Denpasar, Indonesia.

Call for Consultancy on Baseline Study for the G4AW-SMARTSeeds Project in Indonesia

Geodata for Agriculture and Water (G4AW) projects are public-private partnerships with the objective to improve food security in developing countries by using satellite data. Netherlands Space Office (NSO) is executing this programme, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  For more information see CLICK HERE

The G4AW SMARTseeds Project in Indonesia is a consortium of partners which will implement a financially sustainable information service that supports 100.000 vegetable farmers (especially chilli, tomato and cucumber farmers) to increase their production, income, food security and reduces the inputs of water, fertilizer and pesticides. The service will eventually be owned and hosted by the Indonesian company EWINDO, with support from the public-private Dutch and Indonesian partners.

Baseline Study Objectives:
The baseline study will focus on baseline data collection and analysis for a set of indicators outlined in the ME framework of the SMARTSeeds Project. The baseline study report will be used to monitor the project progress against the set indicators over the course of the project implementation.

Scope of work
This study is to be conducted within the sampling target area in three provinces where the project will be implemented and within project direct beneficiary which include farmers, key farmers and other stakeholders of the project. The study shall be conducted in forms of survey, and if needed through key informant interview or focus group discussions. The information will be collected, analyzed and will be shared to ICCO ROSEA (Regional Office Southeast Asia) and partners for consultation before it is finalized.

Duration and Timeline
The baseline study shall be expected to be completed within 30 working days.

Expected Outcome
The consultant will share the draft report to ICCO ROSEA and partner organisations and finalize the baseline study report by incorporating the feedback on the draft.

The final baseline study report should basically include the following points: 
  • Acknowledgements
  • Glossary/Acronyms
  • Introduction
  • Executive Summary 
  • Methodology 
  • Limitation 
  • Findings 
  • Conclusion and recommendations 
  • Appendices
Researcher Competencies, Experience and Skill requirements 
Experience in baseline study, food security, market study, policy review and development research; 
  • Proven publication record (Attached at least two research samples); 
  • Solid methodological and research skills; 
  • Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia; 
  • Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports in English; 
  • Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner
General information
We invite interested individuals and companies to submit the following application documents: 
  • Expression of interest outlining how the consultant meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the ToR and methodology; 
  • A proposed activities schedule/work plan with time frame; 
  • Copy of CV of the consultant who will undertake the evaluation; 
  • One recent example of similar evaluation report written by the applicant; 
  • Financial proposal detailing consultant itemized fees, data collection and administrative costs.
All documents, project designs, drawings, data and information shall be treated as confidential and shall not without the written approval of ICCO ROSEA be made available to any third party. In addition, the consultant formally undertakes not to disclose any parts of the confidential information. The utilization of the report is solely at the decision and discretion of ICCO ROSEA. All the documents containing both raw data/materials provided by ICCO ROSEA and final report, both soft and hard copies are to be returned to ICCO ROSEA upon completion of the assignment. All documentation and reports written as, and as a result of the research or otherwise related to it, shall remain the property of ICCO ROSEA. No part of the report shall be reproduced except with the prior, expressed and specific written permission of ICCO ROSEA.

Resume should be submitted electronically by Friday, 3 February 2017 at the latest to n.aeni@icco.nl with Call for Consultancy on Baseline Study for the SMARTSeeds Indonesia as the subject of your email.
