CCM Indonesia Job Vacancy: Community Based Quality Monitoring Study Of The Harm Reduction, Jakarta - Indonesian

CCM Indonesia and ANPUD invite proposals from qualified PUD-led organizations to be Sub-sub Recipient (SSR) to implement Community-based-quality-monitoring (CBQM) study of the Harm Reduction including HIV, HCV, TB service delivery in Indonesia. The implementation period is from January 1 - December 31, 2019 with potential for extension until June 30, 2020. Current EoI request should cover a period of January-December, 2019 only.
Applicant must demonstrate:
  • Legal Status: (Registered in Indonesia according to prevailing laws, have a PAN number, yearly financial audits, renewal of the organization at CDO and tax exemption certificate). 
  • Have by laws and functional Executive Board with office structure, policy, procedures and human resources for financial and programmatic, and strategic plan for program implementation.
  • Priority is for organizations (i) led by PUD (ii) led by KP and/or socially excluded group. EOIs from non-PUD led organizations will only be considered if no PUD-based organizations submit EOI.
  • 3 years minimum of proven experience in Harm Reduction programs and/or Drug Policy reform associated programs
EoI must be 5 pages maximum and include the following elements:
  • General description of the organisation, implementation of work carried out, names and credentials of core team, number of full-time employees and volunteers (1 page).
  • A one-page narrative outlining the organization’s strengths and weaknesses that may have an impact to the implementation of this project (1 page).
  • A short description how your organization will implement the project (2 pages).
  • Tentative budget based on the major activities listed in the short description above with total budget ceiling of USD 32,500  for the period of January 1-December 31, 2019 (1 page).
Four  documents should be attached as annexes to the 5 pages EoI.
  • “Annual Programmatic Report – 2017” (Annex 1): Number of years of experience on implementing Harm Reduction programmes and advocacy on Drug Policy Reform with the involvement of PUD.
  • “Annual Audit Report – 2016 & 2017” (Annex 2): Operating Annual Budget (details in USD) in the last two (02) years.
  • Links to the research report that explicitly mentions the organization’s name as one of the authors or implementing agency (Annex 3): Evidence of previous engagement in research projects.
  • “Organizational Organogram and Flowchart” showing how information about decisions & feedback flow within the organization (Annex 4): Organizational structure for governance and secretariat (program & finance).
EoI must be submitted no later than 5 PM, 4 January 2019 (Jakarta time) and complete documents submitted before 11 January 2019 Email subject line should be “EoI-KPRA” – your organisation’s name. Address mail to the CCM Indonesia to Mr. Donald Pardede Copy [CC] to Mr. Francis Joseph at, and

Any request complete TOR, please email to
Chair of CCM Indonesia
Dr. Donald Pardede
