International Federation of Red Cross Job Vacancy: Communication Assistant - Lombok & Palu - Indonesian

Job Description
The Shelter Sub Cluster Communications Assistant will be working closely with the Shelter Sub Cluster Communication Focal Point to support in shelter coordination, bridging and supporting communication between the Global Shelter Cluster Coordination team and the national and local authorities and their communications with other DM actors.

The Comms Focal point will, Develop social media plan for the Shelter Sub Cluster to disseminate information, education, and communication material related to shelter in emergencies to the wider audience Assist in monitoring the various communications channels including WhatsApp, highlighting that key documents or conversations are not missed or overlooked, and that team inputs are timely and appropriate.

Supervise the meeting ‘agenda to notes to minutes’ meeting workflow, coordinating with meeting note takers, translators and meeting facilitators, to ensure essential meeting notes are consolidated into succinct action-oriented minutes in a common format in both Bahasa and English and published in a timely and consistent manner.

Assist in the management of stored common files in shared DropBoxes and Google Drives, including running a ‘Current Shelter Sub-Cluster files’ folder with the latest IM, Tech and Coord updates to be shared with cluster members. As well as then managed an archive folder of older bit still relevant public files.

Support in providing a high-level final translation cross-check, posting updates to relevant websites including, and or those determined by Kemensos, BNPB or others. and assisting with foreseeing how information can be better communicated with government leads, cluster partners, and affected populations.

As applicable depending on the situation and the existing capacity in country, the Shelter Sub-Cluster Communications Assistant will support the Shelter Sub-Cluster Communication Focal Point in the following key functions:

Communications/Social Media Monitoring 

Communication List: Maintain a list of key communication channels being used during this response between the various actors in response and coordination. This will primarily be via the mobile application WhatsApp but also includes other social media platforms like Skype, email mailing lists, Facebook groups, Instagram or Twitter etc.

Online Archive: Produce an online repository or archive of documentation by capturing and/or share important documents or findings from those groups, and where appropriate store them in the appropriate designated repository or inform the appropriate team members of their existence and importance.

Monitor those communication channels in both Bahasa and English and filter and distill their content for important information that can be consolidated for consumption in both languages, and ensure that outwards communications of the Shelter Co-lead support team are both appropriate and timely

Contact List: maintain a list of contacts from agencies working in shelter in emergencies sector to support response and coordination. The contact list will be regularly disseminated to relevant stakeholders.

Documentation: Record the content and direct it for use by the relevant individuals or groups.  For example, information on what actors are performing interventions in parts of the affected area may be directed toward the information management support team

Social Media Accounts: Manage social media channels of the Shelter Sub Cluster in Indonesia, including the development of social media schedule and contents, in consultation with other team members in the Shelter Sub Cluster Coordination team

Translation Services
  • Translation Validation: Support the final proof reading and verification of the translation of documents from Bahasa to English or vice versa.  This could be a variety of materials but will largely consist of meeting minutes, official documents, technical documentation, or other documents that are required.
  • Translated Documents: Support in translate important, high-level, key documents or content from monitored social media, legal documents, or other communications as required.
Communication archiving, sharing, and dissemination
  • Documentation Archive: Set up and work within cluster document management systems and regularly populate the archive
  • Updated Website: Regularly populate the web platform and other government document sharing platforms as required.
Other communication tasks 
  • Oversee any work produced by any embedded government liaison officers or SCT members for possible translation or content review prior to dissemination
  • Provide guidance on appropriate communication styles or practices that may have cultural or other sensitivities.
Job Purpose
The purpose of the Shelter Sub-Cluster Communications Assistant is to support the cluster mission to:
  • Provide leadership in emergency shelter and crisis preparedness, response and recovery;
  • Work in partnership to prevent and reduce shelter-related morbidity and mortality;
  • Ensure evidence-based actions, gap-filling and sound coordination; and
  • Enhance accountability, predictability and effectiveness of emergency shelter actions.
  • IFRC is providing services to the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) with the objective to ensure an efficient coordination of Shelter Response to the Earthquakes in Palu and Lombok.  A main component of this support is to set up clear provide information structures and services, analysis, and ensure that information is effectively communicated.
How to Apply
Please submit your application letter addressing the above qualifications and experience with your curriculum vitae to:

Please indicate on the subject heading: COMMUNICATION ASSISTANT – Lombok and Palu
