SEA Indonesia Project Job Vacancy: Policy Specialist, Jakarta

Indonesia SEA

JOB TITLEPolicy Specialist
REPORT TOGovernance Advisor/Institutional Development Task Leader
DUTY STATIONJakarta, Indonesia

Now in the third-year project implementation, USAID SEA Project continues to support MMAF and DKP to strengthen policies, laws, regulations, and/or the implementation to improve and enhance the practice of ecosystem approach for fisheries management (EAFM), and to improve the management of marine protected areas (MPA) and expand MPA coverage.  In order to achieve these objectives, in 2019 the policy component of the USAID SEA Project is supporting MMAF with fisheries industrialization strategy, MPA management policy, MPA Network guidance, and monitoring and evaluation policy for Marine Spatial Plan implementation. In addition, to ensure the effectuate marine and fisheries management, USAID SEA Project is supporting MMAF to strengthen marine and fisheries policies such as community-based surveillance system policy, and marine and fisheries compliance strategy. At the same time, the USAID SEA Project is support DKP Provinces in developing policy to combat destructive fishing practices, and also to strengthen enabling conditions for sustainable fisheries and MPA management practices in the provincial medium-term development plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah or RPJMD) and strategic plan of provincial DKP.

The assistances are conducted by providing technical assistance to develop policy recommendations that are developed together with the marine and fisheries policy network that consists of MMAF, DKP, universities, NGOs, community, and, marine and fisheries business institutions and associations. At the same time USAID SEA Project will support our counterpart to strengthen and/or develop supporting policy forums, and the effective operational procedures/protocols for better policy implementation in the future.

To provide the assistance, USAID SEA Project needs to ensure that quality policy recommendations are developed together with the marine and fisheries policy network. The recommendations will provide optimal solutions based on factual success, solid evidence, and strong scientific and technical arguments together with comprehensive feasibility and/or impact analysis from ecological, socio-cultural, economic, and administrative aspects. Thus, the USAID SEA Project is recruiting a Policy Specialist to support the marine and fisheries policy network to develop sound recommendations for strengthening the existing policies or for creating new policies.

The Policy Specialist is responsible for supporting MMAF and Maluku Province, North Maluku Province and West Papua Province to develop strategic policy recommendations and to provide excellent analysis and recommendations for better implementation of marine and fisheries policies in the existing Indonesian governance context and system.

If you are interested and qualified, please send your latest CV (max. 10 pages) and motivation letter answering the qualification criteria to: before February 8th 2019Please note the title of the position you are applying for in your submission email. 
