Wildlife Conservation Society Job Vacancy: Detection Dog Project Officer, Bogor - West Java, Indonesian

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has a distinguished history of scientists exploring and saving wildlife in some of the most remote and wild places remaining on Earth. The Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program (WCS-IP) has significantly grown over the last decades, and contributed substantially to the conservation of biodiversity in Indonesia. WCS-IP currently has programs focusing on Sumatra, Sulawesi, Marine and Illegal Wildlife Trade. Flagship species for these programs include Sumatran Tigers, Sumatran Rhinos, Elephants, Orangutans, Manta Rays and the Maleo in Sulawesi. In order to achieve our overall goal of saving wildlife and wild places in Indonesia, we aim to protect threatened species and their habitat through working with government agencies, civil society organisations, private sectors and local communities. A key part of the WCS-IP approach is the Wildlife Crimes Unit (WCU), under the Wildlife Trade Program. WCU was established in 2003 and supported the Indonesian government to conduct more than 450 arrests in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua. To date, WCU consists of 8 units to protect both terrestrial and marine protected species in Indonesia. More than 500 wildlife traffickers were arrested, and thousands of protected animals and tones of animal parts were seized from sting operations.

To increase the effort of wildlife crime detection in exit points, WCS will operate a Wildlife Detection Dog (WDD) project under the Wildlife Trade Program. The WDD project will be piloted in two sites; Soekarno-Hatta airport and Bakauheni seaport. The project aims to ensure that by using detection dogs, wildlife detection by officers will increase to uncover illegal distribution and smuggling of wildlife by using boats, land transport, or planes.

WCS is now seeking a Project Officer for the WDD project who is dynamic, well-organized, hard-working, and a committed team player to provide key technical support to WCS’s Wildlife Trade Program. The Project Officer will work with and assist the Project Coordinator to develop and implement the project with key partners such as JAAN (Jakarta Animal Aid Network), Scent Imprint for Dogs (SIFD, based in the Netherlands), Indonesian National Police and other relevant government agencies. The project will be implemented through two sequential phases: Objective 1. Design a country-specific wildlife detection dog program for Indonesia; and, Objective 2. Implement a wildlife detection dog program in Indonesia.

The position will be based in Bogor, with frequent trips to the pilot sites to implement project’ activities and reporting. The Detection Dog Project Officer will be directly under the Detection Dog Project Coordinator supervision.

Position: Detection Dog Project Officer
Based in: Bogor
Reports to: Detection Dog Project Coordinator

For more detailed information about Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program, the position and how to apply, please visit our website at: CLICK HERE

When you are interested on the above position and consider that you possess the necessary qualification, please submit your job application consisting of updated curriculum vitae, expected salary, three professional references and a cover letter explaining your interest towards this work and/or this organization to wcsindonesia@wcs.org.

Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format “Detection Dog Project Officer"_(name of candidate)

Deadline: April 26th, 2019

No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified
