For Service Providers
Service Provider Panel for the Global Partnerships: Evidence Based Advocacy Programme
Introduction SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.
For Service Providers
Service Provider Panel for the Global Partnerships: Evidence Based Advocacy Programme
Introduction SNV is an international not-for-profit development organisation, working in 38 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SNV specializes in supporting the resourcefulness of development actors by developing local capacities, improving performance and services, strengthening governance systems, helping to create access for excluded groups and by making markets work for the poor. Our global team of advisors use their specialist sector and change expertise in Agriculture, Renewable Energy and WASH to facilitate sustainable change in the livelihoods of millions of people living in poverty.
About the Global Partnerships: Evidence Based Advocacy Programme Global Partnerships: Evidence Based Advocacy Programme is a five-year project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS) and implemented in partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IPFRI), aiming at strengthening capacities of CSOs to advocate for a conducive enabling environment. The programme will be implemented in 6 countries: Burkina-Faso, Honduras, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Indonesia. The programme's main goal is to support progress in globally challenging topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals, with a specific focus on inclusion and equity issues. This goal is to be achieved by increasing Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) capacities to participate, contribute and influence strategic debates and policy-making processes.
The specific objectives of the Advocacy programme are determined as follows:
- Increase CSOs capacities in leadership, advocacy, utilisation of data and evidence, sector knowledge and business development
- Improve enabling environment in terms of improved policies, frameworks, regulations, budget allocation, services, inclusive business and accountability/collaborative mechanisms

In Indonesia, the two topics that will be addressed through the programme are Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Food and Nutrition Security (FNS).
Objectives of the Call for Expressions of Interest SNV is looking to establish a panel for service providers (national NGOs/foundations, research institutions, consultancy companies) to deliver specific assignments in the context of its Global Partnerships: Evidence Based Advocacy Programme. Assignments that are expected to be provided are the following:
- Research activities related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Food and Nutrition Security (FNS)
- Training activities related to the CSO's capacity development trajectory (including Advocacy, Use of Evidence for Advocacy for Advocacy purposes)
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the programme's performance
Being selected to be on the panel is not a guarantee of work. Specific contract assignments will be developed for the different activities, based on Terms of Reference provided by SNV. The Terms of Reference will state objectives, responsibilities, deliverables, timelines and budget allocated for each activity.
The panel will be in place from 2016 to 2020. SNV reserves the right to re-advertise and add additional organizations to the panel from time-to-time.
SNV may also use this panel to support other SNV projects if the experience and expertise of panel members is relevant.
The panel will be in place from 2016 to 2020. SNV reserves the right to re-advertise and add additional organizations to the panel from time-to-time.
SNV may also use this panel to support other SNV projects if the experience and expertise of panel members is relevant.
Selection criteria
Institutions interested in joining SNV's panel of service providers for the Advocacy programme must be able to meet the following criteria:
- Be Indonesian and be willing to work in the Provinces of Lampung, West Sumatra, Flores and Lombok
- Have previous track record/experience in Food and Nutrition Security and/or Water, Sanitation and Hygiene and/or promotion of equity and equality and/or implementation of Advocacy activities
- Have a sound track record in research
- Have experience in capacity development of local CSOs
- Have knowledge of Monitoring & Evaluation
- Have experience/ability to address gender issues
- Ability to deliver complex research and/or training and/or monitoring & evaluation within timeline and to high quality standards
How service providers can apply:
Please send your application to by June 3rd 2016 with subject: "Service Providers Panel Advocacy Programme", with the following documents:
- Letter of motivation, explaining the service providers' interest in joining the pool (maximum 2 pages)
- A summary of the CSOs experience/track record that demonstrates it meets the selection criteria (maximum 4 pages)
Only short listed service providers will be contacted by SNV.