Zoological Society of London Job Vacancy: Country Manager - Bogor, Indonesian

Founded in 1826, the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is an international scientific, conservation and educational charity whose mission is to promote and achieve the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. Their mission is realised through their groundbreaking science, their active conservation projects in more than 50 countries and our two Zoos, ZSL London Zoo and ZSL Whipsnade Zoo. ZSL is committed to promoting zoological and conservation research, encouraging public engagement with wildlife and generating funds for the advancement of the ZSL Mission.

ZSL is seeking someone to oversee the implementation of ZSL’s Indonesia Production Landscapes. S/he will have overall responsibility for delivering ZSL’s work in Indonesia, restoring peat forests that have been largely destroyed by fire and working with government and local communities to slow or reverse the gas and climate change effects of deforestation. If appointed, you will be responsible for managing a team of experienced and dedicated in-country staff. You will be an experienced project manager and have direct responsibility for managing the delivery of several of ZSL’s corporate partnerships. This post holder will be essential to up-scaling and solidifying ZSL’s work and delivering the multi-million pound Packard Foundation and UKCCU funded integrated landscape project. 

IRO £32,000 pa plus local benefits 

Candidate Specification 

Qualifications & Experience

  • MSc or higher qualification in an appropriate field is required (Biodiversity, Conservation, Forestry, Natural Resource management or Bachelor degree (with equivalent experience) or equivalent level of work experience in a related position
  • Demonstrated experience in developing, implementing and evaluating strategic plans and policy
  • Strong skills in project planning, financing, management, implementation, and evaluation; Experience working with government and with donors / government aid agencies
  • People management, coaching and capacity building/development
  • Experience working in Indonesia or similar countries in Southeast Asia, or other similar countries in the region, with ability to converse in Indonesian (*Bahasa Indonesia) **essential***
  • Excellent oral and written communications skills in English; fluent in oral and written Bahasa
  • Strong conservation background
  • Solid understanding of the development sphere with specific reference to palm oil and timber operations
  • Solid understanding of conservation issues in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and globally
  • A good knowledge of, and contacts in, funding bodies relevant to the work in the country
  • Excellent understanding and experience in developing partnerships, fund-raising, donor strategies, functions, governmental and international relations
  • Knowledge of the policy/institutional context related to conservation in Indonesia
  • Must be highly computer literate in particular in MS office packages, specifically Word, Excel and PowerPoint
How to apply:

Application Instructions
To apply for this post, please download and read the candidate pack, then complete our online application form CLICK HERE
Please complete the form in sentence case – there is no need to use block capitals.

You will be asked to submit the following information:
  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae (of no more than 2-3 sides of A4)
  • A detailed statement (of no more than 2-sides of A4) explaining why you are interested in this post and giving evidence of how you meet the Person Specification criteria. (Please look at Help for Candidates for hints on how to write a successful statement).
The documents should be saved in Word in the following format:
Your First Name, Your Last Name, Document Name, and Date (yymm) e.g.:

Closing Date: 08 August 2016

Applications will not be accepted without a completed application form.
