Christian Aid Vacancy: Head of Region Middle East - London, United Kingdom

Basic information
Job title
Head of Region Middle East

Reports to
Head of Division
Matrix manager if applicable
Not applicable
Direct reports
Overall people management responsibility
Matrix management responsibility
Not applicable
Budgetary responsibility
£2.3m (approximate)
Child protection clearance required
Not required
Expected travel per annum
Up to 75 days
On call/unsocial hours
Role definition

Role purpose
Lead, develop, manage and have overall responsibility for the development, emergency, advocacy, policy and campaign work of the Middle East region within parameters agreed with the Head of the Asia and Middle East Division. To promote and enable strategic agility, innovation and learning for programmes. Be responsible for the processes of developing, implementing and monitoring CA policy and strategy for the region. Be responsible for the effective and efficient management of resources and staff, ensuring that staff have clarity about their responsibilities and authority and are able to maximise their contribution to the work of the Asia and Middle East Division in line within the overall purpose of CA. To directly support the development of the Division’s thinking on the organisation’s

Strategic Change Objective Tackling Violence Building Peace. Be an active member of the AME Division’s leadership team; this may include leading on agreed Division wide initiatives.

Role context
The role works within the International Programme role family and is positioned in Programme Support and Development. The role reports directly to the Head of AME and is a member of the Divisional Leadership Team. The role works within a devolved and decentralised structure within the culture of the AME Division that is characterised by ambitious goals, strategic thinking, innovation, interdependence and mutual accountability. The focus is on enabling others to excel; requiring a coaching mind set and extensive leadership skills.

The role is key in providing strategic and representational leadership for our work within the Middle East, ensuring that the evolving internal and external context informs our work. This role will provide  horizontal leadership across the Division, proactively developing links across the organisation to ensure that corporate thinking and strategy is informed by the context of the AME experience and that AME strategies benefit from the shared knowledge and experience of the wider organisation. The role is required to travel frequently.

Key outcomes
  • Represents Christian Aid in and in relation to the Middle East. Works with policy colleagues on advocacy and contributes to communications and media work on the region.
  • Leads and manages policy and strategy development for the Middle East
  • Significantly contributes to strategy, management and co-ordination within the Asia and Middle East Division.
  • Ensure that programmes are equipped to develop and deliver opportunities to scale up work. Ensure high levels of programme performance and evidence of change is captured and documented.
  • Cross organisation collaboration is effective and there is coherence between the work of the AME Division, Supporter and Community Participation and Policy and Public Affairs Departments.
  • Actively promotes CA’s culture and supports the development of systems that facilitate mutual learning and sharing that supports innovation across the Division.
  • The experience of the AME Division informs corporate policy and strategy, fundraising and programme learning and development,
  • Supports the development of the Division’s thinking on the organisation’s Strategic Change
    • Objective Tackling Violence Building Peace.
  • Responsible for efficient and effective management of CA’s work across the Middle East, its budgets and resources, including management of programmes, partnerships and relationships with networks and of grant making within the terms of the grant risk matrix.
  • Informs and supports the AME Division’s work on enhancing programme performance
  • Works closely with Head of AME Division and the Corporate Security Manager to ensure effective security oversight for Christian Aid’s engagement in the Middle East.
  • Development of an effective Middle East team; including the management of key staff
Role requirements


Leading and representing Christian Aid on the Middle East, positioning the organisation within the development sector, church, ecumenical and faith bodies, government and inter-governmental bodies and donors. Liaise with other agencies in the UK, Europe and in the region. Developing linkages with external actors on TVBP thinking

Works closely with the Head of Division and other posts which have a across the Middle East. Works closely with country and programme managers across the AME Division. Works with policy colleagues on advocacy and contributes to communications and media work on the region. Works closely with colleagues within programme funding, programme performance, large programmes and humanitarian divisions. Works closely with CA's Corporate Secuity Manager. Works with colleagues across the ID on developing work and thinking on TVBP and how it informs our wider work.

Decision making
The post holder will work closely with the Head of Division and the wider Divisional Leadership Team to make decisions about investment in the programme based on performance, impact and innovation. Responsible for strategic direction of Christian Aid's programmes across the Middle East, the opening, review and ending of partnerships and alliances in collaboration with country based staff. The post holder will share in decisions on recruitment, selection and induction of new senior management staff. Manages policy and strategy development for the associated programmes.

Analytical skills
Some problems or issues encountered in work are likely to be complex. Looks beyond and challenges data/information to generate recommendations/outcomes that are not readily apparent from the data/information alone; seeks for and initiates new and diverse sources of information to test solutions and direction. Detailed risk assessment may be required.

Expected to question processes and ways of working to identify changes that will improve organisational performance.

Developing self and others
Has direct responsibility for developing, coaching and motivating a group of staff, where the skill/location mix is likely to be diverse; undertakes performance reviews and development of action plans to improve the performance of others. Programme management responsibility for directing work of others and taking responsibility for ensuring that work quality and professional standards are maintained.

Person specification

Applied skills/knowledge and expertise
  • Postgraduate or equivalent qualification in management or a specialised professional qualification in a relevant discipline
  • Knowledge of global development, including policy and advocacy issues and familiarity with issues relevant to the region
  • Up-to-date knowledge of best practice in development, including gender based approaches.
  • Considerable experience in developing country/regional programmes.
  • Knowledge of contemporary approaches to the evidencing of impact, budgeting, appraisal and monitoring of NGO interventions.
  • Experience of introducing innovation and creativity to programmes.
  • Experience of leading strategic thinking, planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Experience of leading and managing change and cross organisational working.
  • Ability to build good contacts within and externally to the organisation.
  • Considerable leadership and management experience including distance management and coaching.
  • Experience in and confidence in working with church, ecumenical and civil society organisations in a representational role.
  • Of leading a complex multi-professional team
  • Of working in a multi-cultural context
  • Experience in emergency programmes
  • Experience of the Middle East in a working context
  • Fluency in written and spoken English
  • Public speaking and/or working with the media
  • Arabic language skills
IT competency required

Competency profile

LEVEL 3: You are expected to be able to:
Build partnerships
  • Manage teams or lead projects supportively, involving others in discussing how to take work forward, helping people feel part of the team and treating everyone equally.
  • Influence others to develop shared understanding and work cooperatively and collaboratively towards common goals where there are different personal or organisational agendas.
  • Develop and maintain new relationships with individuals and organisations to further Christian
  • Aid’s aims.
  • Recognise and value differences in people; be ready to challenge assumptions, beliefs or attitudes in self or others.
  • Manage expectations and adhere to what’s agreed, by doing what you say you’re going to do.
Communicate effectively
  • Reflect the needs of different audiences, adapting style, media, timing and pace to communicate effectively.
  • Show an understanding of how personal and external factors impact on others’ communication style and needs and seek to manage these differences to ensure that all voices are heard.
  • Clarify expectations and anticipate interests and potential issues of others, in order to help them get involved in debate and dialogue.
Steward resources
  • Accept accountability internally and externally for the effective use of Christian Aid resources.
  • Look for ways to achieve more effective outcomes by using existing resources in a new or different way, before using or commissioning new resources.
  • Ensure results of self and others are achieved to quality and time by managing allocated resources and workloads.
Deliver results
  • Create plans with key milestones and measurable outcomes: track progress and adjust to meet the objectives, ensuring others are aware of changes and reasons for them.
  • Ensure individuals and teams understand and agree to work to the overall goals, specific objectives and quality standards.
  • Make recommendations or decisions in the best interest of Christian Aid, involving others as needed both within and beyond your work area.
  • Be willing to take action or make recommendations or decisions in difficult or ambiguous situations.
  • Commit to your decisions and be accountable for them.
  • Show willingness to adapt if your initial decision did not produce the expected result.
Realise potential
  • Demonstrate continuing commitment to your own professional and personal development.
  • Use coaching and mentoring skills to support others to develop.
  • Encourage others to give their best by discussing goals and aspirations and recognising achievement.
  • Provide an appropriate level of supervision according to need; know when to provide help and when to give others space to learn.
  • Give constructive and timely feedback to others on difficult or contentious issues.
  • Deal with poor performance directly and sensitively, seeking appropriate and timely advice and support if needed.
Strive for improvement
  • Be open to radical suggestions.
  • Evaluate benefits and risks of new ideas and ways of working and identify ways to reduce risk.
  • Find and implement ways to better support internal knowledge and information sharing.
  • Coach others on dealing with resistance to change.Seek and evaluate a range of viewpoints, internal and external, about how Christian Aid could do things better, regardless of whose ideas they are and what role they have.
DATE CREATED: 21/08/2014

Further details of specific tasks and duties will be agreed with the line manager as part of the performance agreement. Any reasonable duty may be assigned that is consistent with the nature of the job and its level of responsibility.

This role profile is not prescriptive; it merely outlines the key behaviours the role-holder requires to be successful in the role; the key behaviours and responsibilities are subject to change. Any changes will be made in consultation with the role-holder.

You will be expected to abide by the Code of Conduct, policies and procedures within Christian Aid which may be updated from time to time.

You must be in sympathy with the aims, beliefs and values of Christian Aid as it seeks to work on relief, development and advocacy for poverty eradication.

Apply by: 21 Sep 2014

To Apply: HERE
