MAHKOTA Project Job Vacancy: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for IRS, Indonesian

The Government of Indonesia is committed to accelerating the pace of poverty reduction.  According to the newly enacted medium-term development plan (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah, RPJMN, 2015-2019), the government aims to lower the poverty rate from 10.96% in 2014 to 7-8% by 2019. Indonesia has achieved significant reductions in poverty to date, however more than 28 million Indonesians (11.13% of the population) continue to live below the poverty line and 30% of the population within 125% of the poverty line remain vulnerable to falling back into poverty.

The Integrated Referral System (IRS) for Social Protection and Poverty Reduction

The Government of Indonesia, under the leadership of Bappenas and Kemensos, is creating an Integrated Referral System (IRS) to be operated at the local level with the aim of improving coordination and integration of social protection and anti-poverty programs at the local level. The IRS proposes to address the current fragmentation and lack of coordination of national and local social protection and anti-poverty programs, as well as updating poverty database in a more regular way by providing local governments with the tools to promote coordination of programs at local levels and to make the programs more responsive and relevant to local needs and desires. The IRS will allow local social workers or facilitators to counsel families on where to seek assistance and what to do, depending on the current programs they receive, their unmet needs and the supply of programs available at national and local levels. The IRS will also be a conduit for people to present complaints and grievances to the different programs, and those complaints will be tracked and monitored to make sure that complainants receive timely responses to those complaints.  Furthermore, the IRS will be in capacity to inform national and local agencies about budget needs and priority programs to address gaps in social protection of poor and vulnerable people including abandoned women and children, disabled persons, elderly poor with no social assistance and others.

The IRS pilot project in 5 districts (Bantaeng, Belitung Timur, Sleman, Sragen, and Sukabumi) was completed in June 2016 and since then being scaled up to 50 districts/cities with APBN and APBD funding. In addition, in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) province, the IRS is being implemented in all 10 districts and cities with funding from the provincial government (APBD I) and the district/city level budget (APBD II).

MAHKOTA Indonesia—Menuju Masyarakat Indonesia Yang Kokoh Sejahtera (Towards a Strong and Prosperous Indonesian Society)—aims to continue efforts begun under the PRSF (Poverty Reduction Support Facility) support to help Indonesia better reach and benefit the poorest as well as address key binding constraints to growth, competitiveness and rising inequality through ongoing labor market and social protection reforms.

By 2019 MAHKOTA will have helped to lay the groundwork for an eventual national social protection system through better policies with measurable improvements in welfare and coverage through three overlapping outcomes:
  • Outcome 1: Quality of the national social protection system is improved;
  • Outcome 2: More comprehensive and joined up social protection and labor market policy is delivered; and
  • Outcome 3: Synergies with wider social and economic policy and planning are enhanced
As Managing Contractor of MAHKOTA Program, Cardno is currently looking for a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for IRS.  The main role of the M & E Officer will be operationalization and implementation of monitoring and evaluation system.  Lead field monitoring, supervision, and reporting on a day to day basis.  Encourage maximum use of data generated from M&E system for informed decision making, action and learning. Assist the M&E specialist to conduct the evaluation capacity development (ECD), prepare M&E studies and baseline.  To do these, the M&E officer should build good cooperation and foster coordination with all relevant key actors, particularly governments both at the national and sub-national level.  Together with M&E specialist, will support the Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) and other management team members of the IRS with credible information and report by providing synthesis and analysis of M&E data to show program progress and results and to feed into the decision making processes or corrective action that may be needed.  The data will also become the basis for reporting purposes to be submitted to the GoI partners and DFAT on a regular basis.

The Terms of Reference containing full Selection Criteria can be Downloaded From HERE

How to apply
To apply for this position please click the "apply" button found on the above link and attach an application letter and a current CV.

The position is open to Indonesian nationals and permanent residents with authority to live and work in Indonesia.

Competitive salary commensurate with skills and relevant years of experience.

Applications close 5.00pm, Tuesday, 3 January 2017, Indonesian Time.

Cardno is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to Child Protection in all fields.  Any offer of employment will require criminal record checks.
