ICED II Job Vacancy: Clean Energy Technical Team Liaison, Based in Jakarta - Indonesian

Project Description:
The USAID Clean Energy Program is intended to support Indonesia’s efforts to accelerate clean energy development as part of the achievement of the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019. USAID-funded key Projects and Activities that fall under the USAID Clean Energy Program comprise: (1) Indonesia Clean Energy Development II (ICED II), (2) Sector Reform and Utility Commercialization (SRUC), and (3) Utility Exchange Partnership Program (UEPP). The main objectives under the USAID Clean Energy Program include Improve enabling environment for rapid co-investment in Clean Energy, Accelerate mobilization of private and public sector co-investment in Clean Energy, and Utilization of Clean Energy technology and innovation fund.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) as the Technical Counterpart Agency (TCA) and the USAID has established a Clean Energy Technical Team for the implementation the USAID Clean Energy Program.  Director for Energy, Mineral Resources and Mining BAPPENAS is the Chair of Clean Energy Technical Team, while Head of Communication, Public Service, and Cooperation of MEMR is the Co-Chair of Clean Energy Technical Team. The Technical Team will serve to support technical and management oversight with respect to the overall planning and implementation of the USAID Clean Energy Program.

Position Description:
The Clean Energy Technical Team Liaison is a full time position based in Jakarta.
  • S/He assists Technical Team in coordination, assurance and guidance on projects and activitiesmonitor and evaluate the implementation of the USAID Clean Energy Program.  S/He will work closely with the Communication, Public Service, and Cooperation Bureau of MEMR and ICED II management team in the coordination and implementation of Technical Team activities as well as in documenting ICED II progress. This staff member will further ensure adherence to administrative and other requirements related to the smooth functioning of USAID Clean Energy program.
Roles & Responsibilities:
His/her responsibilities will include, but not be limited to the following:
  • Support TCA in communication and coordination with the relevant line Ministries orAgencies particularly members of the Technical Team in the planning, implementation, and review of the USAID Clean Energy Program.
  • Support preparation and coordination of Technical Team meetings, presentations and other related matters, including but not limited to compilation and preparation of briefing and presentation materials, speeches, background information and documentation for Technical Team meetings.
  • Support the Technical Team in preparation, consolidation and coordination of relevant program administrative documents, including BAST reports, with information provided by USAID on projects and activities for the USAID Clean Energy Program.
  • Facilitate effective knowledge management and provide technical assistance to the planning, coordinating, monitoring and reporting of USAID Clean Energy Program.
  • Support Technical Team in consultation with Provincial Government counterparts on relevant activities of the projects under the USAID Clean Energy Program.
  • Prepare routine reports or correspondence, as requested.
Posting, Reporting & Supervision
  • The Clean Energy Technical Team Liaison will be primarily based at the Office of Communication, Public Service, and Cooperation Bureau of MEMR (Biro KLIK) as the TCA Point of Contact, and as needed in Bappenas and ICED II offices.
  • S/He will report to Biro KLIK and the ICED II Chief of Party, who both of them will serve as the Organizational Supervisor.
  • Regular Employee Performance Appraisals will be conducted on at least an annual basis.
Required Qualifications:
  • Bachelor degree, preferred in Engineering, Economy and Environment
  • At least 5 years experience, preferred in energy sector, especially in renewable energy and/or electricity project with knowledge in power plant
  • Ability to write and speak fluently in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  • High skill levels and experience in office software, particularly: MSWord, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
  • Ability to effectively organize, prioritize work assignments, and work well under pressure and high stress tolerance
  • Ability to work independently and as a team member
  • Ability to appreciate international diversity and to establish effective working relationships with international clients
  • Ability to establish and maintain working relationships with clients, supervisor and other staff of Technical Team

Interested applicants should send a resume and a cover letter describing relevant academic and employment experience, the names and contact information for three (3) professional references, and monthly salary expectations.

Please email your resume to: no later than 06 October 2017. Early submission of qualified CVs will be prioritized.
