Capacity Building Adviser - Coffey, Philippines

Closing date:  06 Jan 2012

With four decades of experience and more than 1500 development professionals, Coffey International Development is one of the world’s most experienced and reliable international development consulting companies. We are the trusted advisers to many donor agencies, national governments and private sector organisations around the globe.

We are managing the AusAID funded Philippines-Australia Public Financial Management Program (PFMP), which is a joint initiative of the Governments of Australia and the Philippines to improve the efficiency, accountability and transparency in the use of public funds in the Philippines to enable better service delivery. The program directly assists the national government to implement its comprehensive PFM reform agenda that is laid out in the Philippine Public Financial Management Reform Roadmap: Towards Improved Accountability and Transparency. A Program Management Office (PMO) is being established to provide the overall management, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the PFM reforms. We are seeking expressions of interest for the PMO position of Capacity Building Adviser.

As the Capacity Building Adviser, you will support the national government’s Capacity Building Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in implementing capacity development activities, developing a whole-of-government integrated training program for PFM capacity development as well as supporting institutional change.

The successful candidate should have a strong understanding of contemporary capacity development strategies, approaches and systems, and demonstrated experience in designing and/or delivering capacity development and change management programs supporting public administration reforms in the Philippines. Also critical to success are strong interpersonal and communication skills, including excellent report-writing, in order to convey concepts clearly and to understand and meet the needs of a range of stakeholders.

This position is reserved for citizens of the Philippines.

Women are encouraged to apply.
How to apply: 
For more information contact: Trish Sawford at quoting Capacity Building Adviser – COFF-2283.
