FAO Vacancy: REDD+ Technical Advisor (NFMS & RELs) - Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

FAO Vacancy: REDD+ Technical Advisor (NFMS & RELs) - Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

Terms of Reference for Consultant

Job Title: REDD+ Technical Advisor (NFMS & RELs) (Myanmar)

Division/Department: FAO-Myanmar

Programme/Project Number: UNJP/GLO/386/UNJ

Location: Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar with travel to project sites in Myanmar if required

Expected Start Date of Assignment: 1st September 2014

Duration: Eleven months (with possibility of extension)


The UN-REDD Programme is the United Nations collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+) in developing countries. The Programme was launched in 2008 and builds on the convening role and technical expertise of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Myanmar joined the UN-REDD Programme in 2011. With support from the Government of Norway, the UN-REDD Programme, in partnership with the Regional Community Forestry Training Center (RECOFTC), assisted the Government of Myanmar (GoM) and other stakeholders to develop a REDD+ Readiness Roadmap in the period July 2012-August 2013.

The Myanmar REDD+ Roadmap has six sections:
  • Management of REDD+ Readiness Arrangements 
  • Stakeholder Consultation and Participation
  • Development and Selection of REDD+ strategies
  • Implementation Framework and Safeguards
  • Development of a National Forest Reference Level and Reference Emissions Level (REL/RL)
  • Development of a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS)
The REDD+ Technical Advisor (NFMS and RELs) will support the implementation of Roadmap activities for the development of Myanmar’s NFMS and RELs/RLs for REDD+. S/he is expected to assist the implementation process by facilitating the work of the government and international/national experts and coordinating, delivering training and capacity building support, communicating and organizing training events with relevant stakeholders, in particular the Forest Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MOECAF), as well as other relevant ministries/departments, NGOs, and local partners.

Under the overall supervision of FAO Representative in Myanmar and the technical supervision of the Forest Officer based in the Regional Office for Asia-Pacific, s/he is expected to facilitate the implementation of the NFMS and RELs/RLs components of the Roadmap through the following activities, while coordinating and communicating with relevant stakeholders involved in these activities:
  • Provide technical guidance and advice on the development and implementation of NFMS and RELs/RLs components of Myanmar’s Roadmap; 
  • Support the development of a detailed work plan for the development of Myanmar’s NFMS and REL/RLs, in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders;
  • Provide inputs to the establishment of national definitions of forest and forest classifications, mapping of national forest and forest stratification;
  • Support data collection on all REDD+ related land cover, land use maps, activity data and emission factors and prepare data sharing agreements and archiving system for REDD+;
  • Provide technical support on the development of a functional satellite land monitoring system based on available satellite imagery and national technical, financial and human resources;
  • Support national and subnational consultations with relevant stakeholders on NFMS and RELs/RLs development and implementation;
  • Facilitate and support government officials in the organization and delivery of training of national staff involved in NFMS and RELs/RLs (MRV, IPCC methodologies, National Forest Inventory, GHG Inventory, Satellite Land Monitoring System);
  • Design and deliver REDD+ stakeholder awareness raising and communications materials on NFMS and RELs/RLs development and implementation;
  • Organize meetings and consultations with relevant stakeholders;
  • Support the organization and provide technical input to office- and field-based training events;
  • Perform other technical and operational FAO and UN-REDD duties, as necessary.
  • Post graduate degree in Forestry, Environmental Science or a closely related field; 
  • At least 5 years of work experience on forest inventory, forest monitoring and/or forest management in developing countries;
  • Good knowledge of climate change negotiations, REDD+, MRV procedures and methodologies under the UNFCCC;
  • Proven experience relating to forest inventory, remote sensing and GIS in developing countries;
  • Proven track record of supporting, advising and collaborating with government institutions in developing countries;
  • Proficiency in both spoken and written English (knowledge of Myanmar Language an advantage);
  • Strong inter-personal skills and excellent oral and written communication skills.
Expected Outputs
  • Detailed work plan for the development of the Myanmar’s NFMS; 
  • Detailed work plan for the development of the Myanmar’s RELs/RLs;
  • Training materials and reports of training events, procedures and outputs;
  • Draft sections of the action plans for Myanmar’s NFMS and RELs/RLs;
  • Regular update reports;
  • Terminal mission report.
Duration: Eleven months
Duty station: Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Language: English

HOW TO APPLYInterested applicants are required to create an online Personal Profile Form (PPF) in FAO’s iRecruitment system. Instructions on creation of a PPF are available at: HERE

The PPF along with a cover letter quoting the Position Title should be sent to:


Deadline for applications: 18th August 2014.

Applications received after the closing date will not be given consideration. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
