Mercy Corps Vacancy: Consultant for HCVA Review and Depth-Analysis for Health Risk Assessment - Semarang, Indonesian

Mercy Corps Vacancy: Consultant for HCVA Review and Depth-Analysis for Health Risk Assessment - Semarang, Indonesian
Scope of Work
Consultant for HCVA Review and Depth-Analysis for Health Risk Assessment
ACTIVED Project in Semarang
2012 CAC 321

In 2013, Rockefeller Foundation funded a health project called ACTIVED that aim to establish a Health Early Warning System and Health Information System; implement vector-borne disease prevention methods in six high incidence sub-districts in Semarang city, Indonesia; and create a complete understanding of future trends of vector-borne disease and health systems in relation to future climate change impacts by improving the urban health resilience of Semarang’s health sector by reducing the incidences of climate-induced vector-borne diseases, as part of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN).

Mercy Corps Indonesia as the country coordinator for ACCCRN closely assist local partner who implement the project to ensure that they built their capacity on climate change adaptation actions so that they are able to continue build the city resilience in the future.

Health Climate Vulnerability Assessment (HCVA) is a crucial stage with many components, where it considered as a new expertise for Semarang local stakeholders. Mercy Corps Indonesia as the grantee of Rockefeller Foundation need to ensure that the HCVA is developed with the best quality as possible as part of quality assurance and control for the project output. Consider the depth of the study, Mercy Corps Indonesia will need three experts to review the study and to assist the project team. One for climate change adaptation, one for risk assessment, and one for mapping.

Quality of HCVA is improved through desk review and recommendation for Risk Assessment and Adaptation Analysis for Vector Borne Diseases.

  • Desk review of HCVA 
  • Field Survey
  • Workshops with ACTIVED Project Implementor
  • Stakeholder Interviews related to Larvae Population, Dengue Outbreak, Outbreak Prevention and Management.
  • Reporting
DeliverablesRevised HCVA on recommendation for:
  • Risk analysis and assessment of vector borne diseases 
  • Adaptation strategy recommendation.
ScheduleTotal working 3 months
Within the period of 11 August to 11 October 2014.

LocationSemarang City (Work can be done remotely with possibility of visits) 

Qualification Summary
Position: Consultant for HCVA Review and Depth-Analysis for Climate Change Mainstream
Supervisory Responsibility: None
Report to: ACCCRN Project Coordinator
Closely working with: ACCCRN team, Consultant for HCVA Review and Depth-Analysis for Risk Assessment and for Mapping.

  • Post Graduate or Professor with academic background of Public Health
  • Experience in developing climate models related to health.
  • Experience in developing health climate vulnerability assessment for city level.
  • Ability to write report.
  • An academic professionals from highly-reputable universities.
  • Being in a climate change center or center of exellence for climate change that is recognized by the national government.
Ownership of product:Mercy Corps Indonesia retains ownership of research produced under this contract. The consultant will be able to use materials based upon agreement with Mercy Corps Indonesia regarding the public usage, distribution or publishing of the research or any material produced under this contract.  Both parties agree to properly credit the other party on public presentations or any form of dissemination of the material borne from this initiative.

Please send your CV and Application to before 31 July 2014.

Thank you.
Mercy Corps Indonesia
