UN Children's Fund Vacancy: HACT Support Specialist - Kigali, Rwanda

UN Children's Fund Vacancy: HACT Support Specialist - Kigali, Rwanda
Background and Purpose
The UNDG Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) Framework was first issued in 2005 and adopted by the Funds and Programmes as a common operational framework for transferring cash to government and non-government implementing partners with the objective of supporting national capacities for management and accountability in view of a progressive shift towards utilizing national systems for transferring development funds and financial reporting; introducing a risk management approach to cash transfers; further harmonization of business practices among adopting agencies and reducing transaction costs for partners.

A number of challenges and lessons learnt were noted in the implementation of HACT and documented in recent audits, assessments and reviews including: the HACT Global Assessment (UNDG, Dec.2011); the Joint Audit of the Governance Arrangement for the HACT (UNDP, UNFPA, Nov.2012) and most recently the Proposed Revisions to the HACT Framework (UNDG, Sept.2013), paving the way to the ongoing review of the 2005 Framework. More specifically, the Revised HACT Framework is expected to improve overall effectiveness of HACT, streamline practices across agencies, clarify accountabilities and facilitate development of agency-specific guidelines to support consistent HACT implementation.

The importance of addressing weaknesses in HACT implementation was also acknowledged by UNICEF Executive Management and clearly communicated across the organization as a priority issue. In January 2014, the Division of Policy and Strategy (DPS) in collaboration with the Division of Finance and Administration (DFAM) and consultation with Regional Offices have developed A Global Strategy to strengthen the management of HACT in UNICEF. The strategy identifies capacity building as a core strategy to ensure a consistent understanding and application of HACT concepts and tools in a sustainable manner, using different approaches in an effort to balance the need for rapid improvements in the management of HACT and the more medium/long-term capacity strengthening required for the organization at all levels.

In January 2014, UNDG issued the Revised HACT Framework. According to the webinar organised in Feb 2014, all UNICEF offices expected to work towards full implementation immediately.


The purpose of this contract is to support the overall approach to UNICEF Rwanda’s HACT compliance in line with the Revised HACT Framework; assist in developing a roadmap towards the full-compliance by the end 2014, establish mechanisms to track HACT implementation status and issues arising from assurance activities, building the capacity of UNICEF Rwanda staff and partners in performing spot check[1] and assurance, activities and document good practices for institutional learning purpose.

Expected resultsThe HACT Support Specialist is expected to achieve the following results:
  • HACT Capacities at UNICEF Rwanda Office: Both UNICEF staff and partners (GoR and NGOs) have a clear understanding of accountabilities and roles in relation to sound management of financial resources and know how to apply specific processes related to effective HACT implementation; 
  • HACT Roadmap and Management Plans: UNICEF Rwanda has a clear strategy and a Roadmap for the full-compliance to support effective management and implementation of HACT related process and risk-based plans in place for 2014, assurance and capacity building plan are developed in close consultation with UN Inter-agency HACT Taskforce;
  • Tracking of HACT implementation status & follow-up: UNICEF Rwanda has a clear mechanisms in place to monitor the status of implementation of HACT plans on an
  • Ongoing basis, and follow-up issues flagged from programme assurance activities, especially those requiring management attention;
  • Spot Checks: UNICEF Rwanda staff[2] obtain the required skills and tools to perform regular spot checks (there is a need to build the capacity of UNICEF internal staff to master the process through hands-on experience in accordance with the revised HACT guidelines);
  • Knowledge management & lessons learnt: Lessons learnt from the implementation of the revised HACT Framework and UNICEF Guidance0 clearly documented with a focus on good practices, key issues requiring management attention.
The contract is structured in three phases:
Phase 1 – Planning, consultation and preparation: July 2014
During this phase the HACT Support Specialist will:
  • Define the overall plan for the year 2014: Support the management in establishing the HACT strategies and finalize the overall implementation plan (Roadmap) for micro-assessments, assurance and capacity building activities for 2014 using a context specific risk based approach; 
  • Define the performance indicators & benchmarks for monitoring of UNICEF Rwanda’s HACT implementation throughout the year and;
  • Develop standard training materials on HACT for UNICEF staff and partners in line with the Revised HACT Framework and UNICEF specific guidance.
Phase 2 – Spot check on site capacity building: August – September 2014
During this phase the HACT Support Specialist will:
  • Assess the capacity of UNICEF Rwanda team to identify the gaps based on the requirements to perform spot checks as detailed under the TOR for spot checks (See the HACT Revised Guidelines Appendices I and II), and ensure diversity among the composition of staff to be trained. 
  • Design training modules and customize it to comply with required policies and procedures as related to spot-checks.
  • Deliver hands-on trainings on spot checks for UNICEF staff;
Phase 3 – Joint review of results, challenges and way forward – September 2014
During this phase, the contractor will:
  • Develop a final report documenting lessons learnt from the implementation of the HACT improvement plan and highlighting key issues for management attention and practical recommendations towards the effective HACT management by UNICEF Rwanda.
Start date: July 2014 End date: September 2014


The timeframe for this contract is as follows:
  • Overall HACT implementation strategy and plan (Roadmap) for the year 2014 
  • A standard training materials on HACT compliance for UNICEF and partners
  • Spot check training manual, tools and hands-on training for UNICEF Rwanda team
  • Monitoring mechanism on UNICEF Rwanda’s HACT implementation
  • The final report highlighting lessons learnt, key issues for management attention and recommendations for 2015 implementation.
The HACT Support Specialist will work under the overall supervision of the Chief of PME in close consultation with Chief of Operations and Chiefs of programme sections.

Key competences, technical background, and experience required
  • Advanced university degree in Business Administration, Finance, Economics, Audit, Management or developmental studies. 
  • At least 8 years relevant work experience at the national and international level in Operations/Finance Management, Risk Management, Audit and/or programme management;
  • Proven successful experience in training professionals in different contexts (technical/cultural);
  • Practical experience in planning, undertaking and reporting on financial management assurance activities related to HACT and/or similar grant management oversight systems used by donor and funding agencies;
  • Advanced use of Excel and power point MS Office applications;
  • Fluency in English required; French or local language considered a strong asset.
Duty Station:
The HACT Support Specialist will be based in Kigali, Rwanda. Frequent travelling to field locations is expected over the duration of the contract. Transport will be provided to those field locations in accordance with UNICEF policy and procedures
  • After the consultancy period, spotcheck will be performed by UNICEF staff only. 
  • Those who have minimum qualifications as stipulated by the Revised HACT guidelines.
How to apply:

Qualified individuals are requested to submit P11 FORM, CV, a full proposal, consisting of two parts (technical and financial, which can be downloaded from our website) to Rwajobs@unicef.org.


Apply by: 17 Jul 2014
