Program Assistant, Human Development Pillar, National Secretariat
for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
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improving the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. Our staff of
more than 2,700 provides research and technical services to governments and
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pharmaceuticals, education and training, surveys and statistics, advanced
technology, international development, economic and social policy, energy and
the environment, and laboratory testing and chemical analysis.
RTI is hiring staff to fill two Program
Assistant positions.
Interested candidates should send the
following documentations: Resume and Cover Letter. Please indicate the position
you are applying for in the email subject, and submit the application by 21 Feb 2016
RTI values
equal employment opportunities. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short listed candidates will be
Under its commitments to
the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the UN Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) the Government of Indonesia (GOI)will accelerate
achievement of the national goals for poverty reduction, human development and
sustainable economic growth.
GOI will use the SDG
framework to strengthen planning, co-ordination, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of Indonesia’s development programs. It will promote productive
partnerships with the private sector, non-government organizations, academia,
and international development partners to reduce poverty, build social
inclusion and achieve sustainable growth. It will build on the lessons learned
in working to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and work to mainstream
the SDGs in national and sub-national development policies, plans and
Bappenas is responsible for co-ordination, planning, budgeting, and
monitoring and evaluation of SDG implementation at the national and
sub-national levels. An SDG Advisory Council made up of Ministers from relevant
ministries and chaired by the Minister for Bappenas will be responsible for SDG
policy. A National Steering
Committee for SDG Implementation will
be an inter-ministerial team responsible for developing draft policies and
programs related to the achievement of SDG goals at national and sub-national
A National Secretariat for
SDGs will support the Steering Committee to draft policies and programs
for the achievement of the SDGs. This will include work on increasing awareness
of the SDGs (amongst the public, the private sector and within government);
reporting on progress against SDG goals and indicators, assisting and
coordinating with relevant Ministries to strengthen planning, implementation
and monitoring of development programs cross-sectorally and at national,
provincial, district/municipal and community levels; and building productive
partnerships with key stakeholders.
Four (4) Technical Working Groups, will
each be responsible for developing policies and programs relating to the four
SDG ‘Pillars’: Human Development, Economic, Environment, and Means of
Implementation. Each pillar will have a
Manager and two assistants.
Program Assistant for Planning and M&E, Human
Development Pillar
Scope of Work
- Report to the National Secretariat Manager for Human Development Pillar (the Human Development Pillar will address SDG issues relating to human development: poverty, hunger, health, education, gender, water and sanitation, cities and human settlement goals)
- Contribute to the preparation of SDG policy and implementation reports/guidelines that will assist national and sub-national governments plan and implement the SDGs
- Develop Terms of Reference for activities under the Human Development Pillar work plan
- Collect, analyse, report and disseminate information on key SDG indicators (Human Development Pillar)
- Develop Terms of Reference for policy and research papers to assist the Technical Team
- Work with key stakeholders across Government (across sectors and at national and sub-national levels) to contribute to policies and programs for the achievement of the SDGs
- Effectively co-ordinate with other pillar teams within the National Secretariat and with the Human Development TWG
- Effectively respond to requests of the Manager (Human Development Pillar) as required

skills and experience:
- Five (5) years’ work experience on issues of public policy related to the SDGs (Human Development Pillar), planning and/or monitoring and evaluation
- Minimum Bachelor degree (S1) in public policy, economics or other field related to the SDGs (Human Development Pillar);
- Understanding of human development (poverty, hunger, health, education, gender, water and sanitation, cities and human settlement goals) in Indonesia, at the national and sub-national levels;
- Knowledge and experience working on UN Millennium Development Goals, and an understanding of Indonesia’s commitments against the SDGs (human development) and RPJMN;
- Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team;
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation and demonstrated understanding of measuring progress against UN Millennium Development Goals indicators; and
- Excellent report writing, communication and advocacy skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Program Assistant for M&E and Database Management,
Human Development Pillar
Scope of Work
- Report to the National Secretariat Manager for Human Development Pillar (the Human Development Pillar will address SDG issues relating to human development: poverty, hunger, health, education, gender, water and sanitation, cities and human settlement goals)
- Contribute to the preparation of SDG policy and implementation reports/guidelines that will assist national and sub-national governments plan and implement the SDGs
- Assist in the collection, analysis, reporting and dissemination of information on key SDG (Human Development Pillar) indicators (maintain database of SDG Indicators)
- Manage the SDG Secretariat website
- Organise TWG Human Development Pillar meetings and provide administrative support to the TWG
- Assist in developing Terms of Reference for policy and research papers to assist the Technical Team
- Work with key stakeholders across Government (across sectors and at national and sub-national levels) to contribute to policies and programs for the achievement of the SDGs
- Effectively co-ordinate with other pillar teams within the National Secretariat and with the Human Development TWG
- Effectively respond to requests of the Manager (Human Development Pillar) as required
skills and experience:
- At least two (2) years’ work experience on issues of public policy, planning, monitoring and evaluation, and/or administration
- Minimum Bachelor degree (S1) in public policy, economics or other field related to the SDGs (human development);
- Understanding of human development in Indonesia, at the national or sub-national level;
- Knowledge of Indonesia’s commitments against the SDGs and RPJMN;
- Experience in collection, analysis, and reporting of data on human development;
- Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team;
- Excellent organization skills; and
- Strong communication and advocacy skills in both Bahasa Indonesia and English
For all positions:
Time line:
- In the first instance the position will be supported by Australia for three (3) years. A two (2) year + one (1) year contracting arrangement is envisaged that allows Bappenas to reassess program staffing arrangements after two years.
Each position will be responsible for providing a
brief quarterly report (four pages maximum) on progress against Work Plan tasks
to the Team Leader for approval. Once approved, these will be submitted to DFAT
and RTI.