Proposal Deadline: 9 October 2016, 17.00 WIB
Technical Review: 10 – 12 October 2016
Award of Contract: 14 October 2016
Implementation Period: November 2016 - January 2017.
Indonesia is one of the world’s leading textile and garment exporting countries, which grows over 8% annually and contributes to economic development, foreign currency reserves and employment levels of the country. Indonesia’s garment and apparel sector employs approximately 1.3 million people with women comprising 78% of the workers in the sector. The Indonesian government targets to increase the nation's value of exported textiles and garments to USD $75 billion by the year 2030, implying that this industry would contribute around 5 per cent to global exports. More women will work in factories for long hours but their nutritional status may deteriorate if no action is taken. This will impact on overall health increasing the potential for staff absenteeism and reduced productivity.
Malnutrition is an inter generational problem, with maternal malnutrition impacting the nutritional status of infants and children. By changing the health and nutritional status of the predominantly young garment sector workforce and providing access to nutritious foods and supplements, we have a great opportunity to break this intergenerational cycle of malnutrition as pre-pregnancy health and nutrition can define a child’s growth and development.
By improving the nutritional status of female factory workers (garment sector in particular but other factory-based industries may also be reached through this approach) and their families, we expect to bring benefits to the workers, their children as well as factory owners. Improved nutrition in this target group is expected to result in a reduction of absenteeism and staff turnover, and an increase in productivity, job satisfaction and employer loyalty. For the garment workers, this will lead to better health and higher income, when paid per working day / product output.
In Indonesia, civil society and government have been actively engaged in developing different health and safety interventions for female workers. One of the initiatives established by MoH is the Productive and Healthy Female Labor Movement (Gerakan Pekerja Perempuan Sehat Produktif) in collaboration with several ministries and government bodies. At the same time, a key gap that has been identified is the lack of in-depth interventions on improving the nutrition of the female workers as well as existing policies regarding current interventions. Therefore, considering the importance of gathering more information related to nutrition in workplace, GAIN plans to conduct series of activities on landscape and scoping nutrition in workplace in Indonesia.
The Specific Objectives:
- To gather data and information on nutritional situation among the target group, relevant policy and legal frameworks and current programs in the workplace
- To gather data and information on private or public sector initiatives or products appropriate for a factory based nutrition intervention
- To gather information Conduct a nutrition assessment in maximum 30 factories, using nutrition assessment toolkit
- To disseminate the findings of the review and assessments.
For the complete RFP, please email with the subject line: "RFP NW Landscape & Scoping"