OXFAM Job Consultant for Conducting Feasibility Study to Establish business for Small Holders - Indonesian

Oxfam is a leading aid, development and campaigning not-for-profit organisation with a world-wide reputation for excellence and over 60 years’ experience working in Indonesia. Our purpose is to work with others to overcome suffering and find lasting solutions to poverty. Currently we are looking for:

Consultant for conducting Feasibility study to establish business for small holders and/or independent farmers in palm oil sector

Over the past decade Oxfam has gained significant expertise and influence in the area of sustainable palm oil. Oxfam has been taking a holistic and rights-based approach to palm oil projects, with land use and land use change as the central focus. This connects local beneficiaries of poverty alleviation and development with global goals of climate change reduction and green growth. While Oxfam continues its work on empowerment of Indonesian communities on land rights, sustainable land-use planning and labour rights, we believe there is an urgent need for oil palm growers and millers to reconsider their relations with their smallholder supply base and surrounding communities, since these offer the best potential for green growth with more efficient agricultural production and avoided greenhouse gas emissions from further deforestation.

Currently, Oxfam has been promoting an alternative governance model on palm oil plantation named FAIR (Freedom of choice, Accountability, Improvement of benefits, Respect for rights) and Green Growth. Longer term objective of this initiative is to develop company–community partnership models for exploitation-free and deforestation-free palm oil supply chains with a focus on economic benefits for smallholder families and protection of land rights of palm oil communities.

However, there are two big questions on how smallholder able to transform to be social entrepreneur and develop the fair business models.

Objectives of the study
The objective is to give a complete picture of local and national enabling environment for smallholder in palm oil enterprises. 

We expect that the information gathered will help Oxfam and partners to develop models that has component on advocacy for favourable policy environment and facilitating the establishment of innovative and inclusive local businesses that have strong link with key private sector at district, province, national and global levels.

The study will describe briefly about the market trend, and also identify the root causes of constraints and opportunities on the chain’s development in particular locations and also assess potential environmental and policy impacts of the value chain. The specific objectives of the study are:

  • Identify potential source of livelihoods that can be developed into value chain including palm oil sector.
  • Identify the constraints and opportunities to improve each potential value chain Analysis of constraints/weaknesses and opportunity will focus on:
    • Organization of local partners: experience, capacity, functions;
    • Market access Technology/product development;
    • Input supply;
    • Government policy (local level);
    • Finance schemes;
    • Operating business environment. 
  • Related to palm oil, focus on institutional arrangements that link farmers, sub agents, agents, mills, company and buyers while recognizing that power differentials among actors may influence outcomes along the chain;
  • Conduct a gender analysis of the identified value chain while highlighting (the different positions) of men and women across the chain and addressing issues of power reflected in the production and marketing;
  • Identify particular bottlenecks/hindrances that limit the growth potential of the sector and address power and inequalities along the value chain.
Scope of the study
The study will be parallel done primarily in 2 districts of FAIR project, namely Sekadau District, West Kalimantan Province consisting of 10 villages in 3 sub-districts (sub-district Nanga Taman: Lubuk Tajau, Nangan Kiungkang, Tapang Tinggang; sub-district Sekadau Hulu: Nanga Pemubuh, Perongkang, Nanga Menterap and sub-district Sekadau Hilir: Sungai Kunyit, Selalong, Entalang, Merap) and one village named Tanjung Makmur, Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Jambi Province.

The study will look at the situation of supporting factors for business such as information, technology, infrastructure and transportation, financial access, on-farm and off-farm, mentoring and marketing support. 

It will also look at regulation (related to investment, business, tax, land permit and allocation), standards (both government and industry standards), other laws, local customs and norms.

The expected output of the study would be Study will contain quantitative and qualitative analysis of the following aspects:
  • Mapping the process steps of the identified (top 3) value chain in detail;
  • Review of relationship of key actors within the top 3 value chain;
  • Gender analysis of the top 3 value chain while highlighting (the different positions) of men and women across the chain and addressing issues of power reflected in the production and marketing;
  • Identify and analysis the gap towards the development of top 3 value chain which include: community/farmer knowledge/capacity , technology, resources (inputs , institution), finance, infrastructure, regulation
  • Conduct risk assessment and mitigation planning in promoting the top 3 value chain in two locations;
  • Gendered market mapping and explore and identify scope for strategic positioning of poor women in value chain;
  • Recommendation on how to develop top 3 value chains based on the gap analysis and gender analysis
Time line
The study will be conducted start from 28th of November until 16th of December 2016.

Responsibility of the consultant(s)

  • Develop a methodology and plan for the assignment 
  • Organization of team
  • Review relevant documents
  • Survey questionnaire development and validation
  • Data collection 
  • Data entry and analysis
  • Draft report preparation and submission to Oxfam for feedback
  • Finalization of the report in English
Responsibility of Oxfam

  • Support to assignment and review plan, provide documents
  • Ensuring the logistics supports as needed
Requirement for consultant(s)
The study will be led by experienced researcher(s) with extensive knowledge on sustainable value chains, economic policies and legislation, community enterprise development, and some private sector experience related with palm oil sector is preferable.

Overall, the researcher (team) should have knowledge, experience and competencies in:
  • Significant experiences in evaluation concepts and approaches;
  • Minimum 5 years of development work in economic development/sustainable value chain/natural resources management;
  • Good understanding of rights based approach and gender;
  • Have good facilitation skill, especially in doing consultation/interview with decision makers;
  • Strong analytical skill and quantitative and qualitative data collection;
  • Good communication skill;
  • Demonstrated writing skills in both English and Indonesian;
  • Familiar in operating Microsoft Office programs such as Word, Excel and Power Point.
The terms and condition:
  • The eligible person/organisation has to submit the technical proposal which may consists of methodology, tools, detail budget, time line, reporting and CV of key personnel or organizational profile;
  • Assigned person/organisation will submit a work plan with guideline before start the work and take approval from Oxfam; 
  • During this study period the concern person/organisation will take suggestion/ feedback from Oxfam; 
  • The assigned organisation will arrange their vehicle, food and accommodation support during field visit; 
  •  The agreed cost will be paid to the selected person/organisation in 2 instalments. After signing the agreement 70% of agreed fee will be given, after submission of final report rest of 30% will be given; 
  • The organization will submit all the soft copy of report and raw data.
How to apply

If you are interested to apply, please submit a proposal, along with curriculum vitae and proposed budget by Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 through email to Jakarta@oxfam.org.uk and stated “Feasibility Study” on the subject of your email.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted

We are committed to ensuring diversity and gender equity within the organization promotes equality and diversity

Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering.

Oxfam GB is a member of Oxfam International and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No. 612172.

Registered office: Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY. A registered charity in England and Wales (no 202918) and Scotland (SC 039042)
