Islamic Relief Job Vacancy: Emergency Response & Preparedness and DRR Program Coordinator - Indonesian

Islamic Relief Worldwide is an International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO) established in Birmingham, UK in 1984. It seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities through relief and development programs. Islamic Relief Indonesia (IRI) is part of Islamic Relief Worldwide working in Indonesia since 2003. IRI provides service and support to the communities in mandated areas based on the MoU with Indonesia Ministry of Home Affairs. IRI successfully provides the required enabling services and supports for the communities through the implementation of relief and development projects (including DRR works) in the sectors of WASH, Livelihood and Food Security, Shelter, Health, and Child Welfare & Protection.   Under 2015 – 2018 MoU: IRI works in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) and Nangroe Aceh Darusalam (Aceh).

Nevertheless in the case of medium to large disasters, IRI will provide immediate response even in the regions out of IRI working areas stated in the MoU.  Aceh Earthquake and Tsunami Emergency Operation in 2005, Jogjakarta Earthquake in 2006, Padang Earthquake in 2009, Mount Merapi Eruption in 2010, and the recent Pidie Jaya earthquake emergency operation in late 2016 are some of the activities where IR Indonesia has tried to support the Indonesian government in reducing the humanitarian impact caused by natural disaster.

To improve community resilience against various threatening disasters, IR Indonesia has developed a DRR/CCA project portfolio by developing a model Religious Places Based DRR in NTB,  School Based DRR in Aceh, and Linking Relief to Rehabilitation in Pidie Jaya-Aceh.

To ensure IR Indonesia’s continuous contribution toward the reduction of humanitarian impact in Indonesia Country context and improving Indonesia community resilience toward various threatening potential disaster including the climate change impact in the future, the organization is calling for experienced candidate to join IR Indonesia team as a Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Change Adaptation/ Emergency Preparedness and Response Coordinator.

He/ She will be responsible to ensure IR Indonesia’s added value in building community resilience against natural disaster and climate change. The significant occurrence of medium to large quick and slow onset disasters occurring in Indonesia has demanded an increasing focus of the country office on preparedness and response. Thus, as a whole, this position is expected to lead and champion approaches to increase country team’s preparedness and response capacity besides managing resilience building of the communities.  The general guidance for the implementation will largely refer to the international 2030 Agenda (SDGs, Climate Change Consensus, and Sendai Framework).  Finally, by working collaboratively with UN Agencies, National Ministry Offices, local authorities and government agencies, businesses and communities, the post holder is expected to develop and implement cost-effective modalities, productive partnership, and quick and effective movement to reach the most-needy and the suffering.

Post holder reports to: IR Indonesia Country Director


  • Lead the formulation and oversee the implementation of Country Humanitarian Investment Plan, Disaster Preparedness and Contingency plan with periodical revision and update as per organizational needs and anticipated growth & Development.
  • Ensure IR Indonesia’s timely presence, effectiveness and efficiency in Emergency Response delivery for medium to large scale of disasters in Indonesia country context.
  • Lead the strategy formulation of different response modalities: direct operation, semi operation, operation through partners
  • Lead the formulation of Community Resilience or DRR/CCA strategies in corresponding to capacity building plans and identifying opportunities for linking relief with recovery and development.
  • Coordinate and provide advisory role for the implementation of Community Resilience or DRR/CCA strategies in field office
  • Directly be responsible for the planning and implementation of IR Seasonal project activities (Ramadhan and Qurbani).


  • Ensure emergency preparedness and response intervention and community resilience or DRR/CCA project activities are operating within the approved budget and reported to HQ and Donors in timely and effective manner.
  • Communicate and coordinate with national stakeholders focal points in BNPB, Government clusters, UN Agencies, UN Clusters, INGOs/NGOs, Business Communities in strategizing DRR/CCA/Preparedness and response
  • Assist and advise project implementation team in field level including assessments, planning, monitoring, reporting, documentation and evaluation.
  • Provide technical backstopping to field projects and counterparts
  • Assist the compilation and writing of the Emergency and DRR/CCA project reports to Head Quarter (HQ).
  • Ensure the upward managers are kept informed at all times  through  regular reporting of the project accomplishments, critical issues, challenges  and status
  • Initiate budget plan for DRR/CCA/Emergency Response Operation
  • Create and maintain strategic network and partnership with business communities and NGOs for response operations
  • Create and maintain surge capacity for effective and timely response from internal and external resources including volunteers from religious places
  • Create and nurture minimum technical capacity in WASH and medical emergencies that will be ready to be deployed in the first onset of emergencies,
Operational & technical support

  • Be a focal point for the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) involving Humanitarian Department of IR Worldwide, IR Malaysia, and IR Australia and act as a response manager for initial phase
  • Initiate funding grid and seek for funding for initial response operation
  • Be actively engaged with national agendas hosted by government and UN counterparts in DRR/CCA/Preparedness and Response issues
  • Assess and generate ideas to develop concept for proposal development plan in DRR/CCA/Disaster Preparedness and Response activities
  • Facilitate and coordinate Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) for Community Resilience or DRR/CCA and Preparedness and Response activities
  • Develop an appropriate technical DRR/CCA approach and guidance for Country and Field Offices operation
Capacity building 

  • Assist and advise Field Offices in hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessments process targeted communities.
  • Enhance DRR integration and capacity through support to national office staff throughout the Indonesia region: remotely and by on-site visits to review project progress against goals, action plans and budget.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of an integrated regional capacity building plan to ensure Community Resilience/DRR integration.
  • Lead the process and implementation of Humanitarian Investment Plan
Knowledge management

  • Ensure community resilience or DRR/CCA and Preparedness and Response learning events in Indonesia Region are initiated, conducted and well documented and utilized to inform better programming, and disseminated for mutual and strategic learning internally and to the wider humanitarian community where appropriate.
  • Encourage mutual learning between Country Office within the Project Areas

Quality assurance

  • Communicate with and seek advice from Program Coordinator and Country Director  to implement (assigned)  projects within the stipulated time, budget and quality standards (according to project and log frames)
  • Ensure that IR’s emergency response activities comply with internationally recognized code of conduct, international humanitarian laws, and standard (SPHERE, etc.)
  • Promote a research agenda that highlights and demonstrates Islamic Relief Worldwide credible voice in effective community resilience and DRR, program effectiveness and organizational development.
  • Support Country Office and Project Areas in community resilience and DRR/CCA advocacy in alignment with policies, protocols and standards including integration within Citizen Voice and Action.
  • Ensure People Center Approach (accountability, gender, child protection, disability inclusiveness, and communication with communities) in delivering humanitarian assistance

Internal liaison and coordination

  • Participate in various Humanitarian coordination partnership forums, working groups and networks that have a direct impact on the management and implementation of the Emergency Preparedness and Response, DRR/CCA or Community Resilience Program.
  • Actively engaged with international and national clusters operating in the country  

External relations

  • Manage external relations with peer organizations to work at regional level activities including with APG (AADMER Partnership Group), AHA Center for ASEAN response
  • Maintain external relations with key international learning and research institutions including the Global Network for Disaster Reduction to enhance organizational learning

  • Work closely with the members of the Advocacy team and other functions within the region promoting mutual learning, support and accountability.
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Senior Program Coordinator and CD.
Knowledge, skills & abilities:


  • Bachelor degree in Development Studies, Social Science or any relevant field
  • Strong interpersonal, collaborative, negotiation, networking, coordination and organizational skills (project management)
  • Critical thinking, analytical, and research skills
  • Excellent oral and written (English) communications skills
  • Experience in enabling group or team to achieve results
  • Work experience in Emergency Management
  • Experience in conducting research studies

Minimum of 7 years in project management experience and/or expertise in Emergency & disaster preparedness and risk reduction strategies and practices


  • Fluency in English (written and spoken)
  • Excellent communication and presentation in Bahasa Indonesia


  • Flexible & Patient
  • Ability to work on your own initiative as well as a part of a team
  • Sympathetic with aims & objectives of Islamic Relief
  • Empathy with & understanding of the basic teachings and values of Islam.
  • Sensitive to local customs
  • Ability to work in a stressful environment
  • Willing to spend up to 30% of his/ her time for field visit supervision

  • Energetic and able to operate in situations which may be arduous
  • No serious illness
Islamic Relief is a faith based-non government organization that respects diversity and inclusiveness.  Applicants from diverse religions, gender, race, and physical impairment are encouraged to apply.


  • All Islamic Relief team members are expected to support all efforts towards accountability, specifically to our beneficiaries and to international standards guiding international relief and development work while actively engaging beneficiary communities as equal partners in the design, monitoring and evaluation of our field project
  • Please send only your application letter and CV to the email
  • Applications submit directly to Islamic Relief Indonesia Office will not be considered. Women are strongly encouraged to apply for this position.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted
The deadline for submitting applications is: 27 January 2017
