Catholic Relief Services Job Vacancy: Senior Logistics & Capacity Building Officer - Jakarta, Indonesian

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is a US – based voluntary organization working in more than 100 countries around the world to assist people victims of disasters, people in need and the disadvantaged regardless of race, belief or nationality. CRS has been operating in Indonesia since 1957 under the Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Social Affairs with programs primarily in the areas of community development, humanitarian assistance, agriculture /livelihood, Disaster management and Emergency Response.

CRS/Indonesia is currently looking for the Senior Logistics and Capacity Building Officer to be based in Jakarta Office. The position will be responsible for applying and promoting CRS Agency’s logistics policy, systems and practices for both normal and emergency situations, including in the procurement, stockpiling, warehousing and disbursement of emergency relief items. As Capacity Building person, this position shall also work with and support in the design and implementation of capacity building activities for local partners, including serving as facilitator in various training and providing accompaniment to the local partners.

Given the core mandate of CRS as humanitarian agency, all CRS/ID staff members shall be ready and willing to be re – assigned and/or deployed to support CRS emergency response activities both in – country and in other countries in the region or in other region as requested. In case of emergency response in country, or when carrying out his/her role as training facilitator for partners capacity building program, the Senior Logistics and Capacity Building  Officer will work under the supervision of the Emergency Response Manager to support the emergency response program needs, but with proactive and close coordination with the Administration Manager and Country Manager.

Re – assignment and/or deployment to support emergency response program shall not change the key roles and responsibilities of the SeniorLogistics and Capacity Building  Officer that relate to Logistic such as procurement, stockpiling, warehousing and her/his roles as trainer or facilitator of training and capacity building activities under PEER, ERICA and other capacity building projects). However, if and when necessary, the Emergency Program Manager, upon consultation with Country Manager,may temporarily re – assign the Senior Logistics and Capacity Building Officer to focus his/her support on the programmatic aspects of the response, such as conducting needs assessment and relief material distribution.

In addition, when there is no emergency or training, this position shall also work with the Administration unit of CRS/ID to support the procurement activities

  • Must be scrupulously honest and always foster an atmosphere of trust and integrity.
  • Good computers and IT skills, fully capable with Microsoft Office (MS Word, Excel and PPT), and experience conducting internet sourcing and price comparisons.
  • Demonstrates ability to perform fast, efficient and cost effective procurement serviceswhile maintaining the agency's high standards.
  • Good negotiator.
  • Experience in conducting market research.
  • Demonstrate as good facilitator and understand the Sphere project, Need Assessment, Project Design and MEAL system for emergency response.
  • Good data analysis skill.
  • Committed to always providing highest possible customer service.
  • Good organizational skill.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skill and relationship builder.
  • When necessary be able to relay ideas and concepts to partners in an appropriate manner.
  • BA/BS Degree in supply and purchasing management or related field such as logistics or administration, from recognized institution.
  • At least 5 years of relevant experience is required.
  • Membership in a professional purchasing organization preferred.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate clearly and concisely in written and spoken English
  • Proven ability to prepare reports and maintain complete files and records.
  • Broad experience and strong track record in implementing emergency response or managing logistic in emergency response programming
  • Strong facilitation skills and broad experience in providing and facilitating training in logistics and other emergency program topics such as Sphere, Needs Assessment and MEAL.
A detailed job description for the above positions can be obtained by contacting CRS Human Resources Office at

Candidates who meet the above qualifications are encouraged to apply and email their CV to,included 3 references. The closing of this position will be on February 15th, 2017.

"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Interview”
