Final Evaluation Consultant - Mission East | Armenia

Closing date:  09 Oct 2011
Consultancy: Final evaluation of the project “Living Together, Learning Together: A Child’s Right to Community-Based Inclusive Education, Tavush Marz, Armenia”
Project location: Tavush Marz, Armenia

Project Objective: Promotion of the right of children with disabilities to and special educational needs to equal educational opportunity via the development and testing of a replicable inclusive education model in Tavush region of Armenia

Consultancy Purpose: Assess the overall effectiveness and timeliness of the implemented project and provide expert recommendations on areas of improvement as well as possible steps for expansion or duplication

Consultancy Objective(s): Assess the level of achievement of goals and objectives; Evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of the project; Assess the capacity of local partners;
Consider the efficiency of the used resources; Asses the sustainability of the implemented project; Provide expert recommendations on areas that need further improvement and recommendations on possible expansion and/or duplication of the project.

Consultancy Output(s): Outputs for which consultant is wholly responsible: An inception report with short analysis, evaluation schedule and methodology to be used; A final evaluation report outlining: findings, lessons learned and recommendations; A short version of the final evaluation report for distribution; Annexes to the Evaluation Report including data collection instruments (structured interview plans, questionnaires, etc.) as well as lists of interviewed people, list of reviewed documents etc. Any additional outputs required will be specified during the initial preparation phase.

Consultancy Scope of Work: The consultancy has been scoped as 15 days of billable work over a period of two months from the starting date of contract, between 15 October- 15 December, with 10 days’ work done in the field as well as the first exchange of final report done prior to 30 November 2011 2 working days for revision of provided documents, preparation of evaluation methods, tools and documents and finalisation of the inception report; 10 days for evaluation visits with stakeholders and beneficiaries, includingvisiting all 4 districts in Tavush Marz and feed-back meeting on initial evaluation findings 3 working days for review of findings and preparation of final reports. Dates are flexible within the mentioned period and will be specified during the initial preparation phase.

Person Specification & Decision Criteria: Eligible candidates should possess: MA in Education, Social Sciences, Disability Studies, Social Science, Monitoring and Evaluation, International Development or other related fields; Strong background in monitoring and evaluation, data collection and analysis methods; Experience in project evaluations; Experience in multiple areas of development intervention, and be familiar with integrated approaches and institutional issues at local and national levels; Strong analytical thinking and writing skills; Understanding of the situation of people with disabilities, their rights and limited access to these rights in Armenia and worldwide; Fluency in written and spoken English language, knowledge of Armenian language is desirable. The final decision for this consultancy will be based on: Fit with selection criteria; Value for money.

Application Procedure To submit a tender for this consultancy, please visit by 9th October 2011, where you will be able to register your interest.
Please ensure that you submit tendering information, including: •your CV and the CV(s) of any other individuals included in the tender; •anticipated fees, per diems and other financial information; •Length of time that the anticipated fees are valid, and; •Provisional availability to fulfil the consultancy as per the timeframes indicated in the Terms of Reference.
Mission East is a Danish international relief and development organization, founded in Denmark in 1991, and working in Eastern Europe and Asia.

Mission East has been engaged in relief and development activities in Armenia for more than 15 years. With a particular interest in achieving equal rights to access and care for vulnerable groups, Mission East has become a key player in the reform of education and health services for the people with disabilities in the country.

Mission East Armenia is currently involved in the areas of HIV/Aids as well as disability rights. In the field of disability rights, activities are implemented in three main sectors: health, education and advocacy.
