Senior Advisor, Accountability and Transparency - World Vision, Australia

Closing date:  03 Nov 2011

Scrutiny of non-government organisations has increased significantly in recent years, with governments, corporations and society at large demanding for evidence of alignment, effectiveness and efficiency. Global media interest increases the need for management of WV's 'accountability profile' to receive priority attention as our reputation in this regard is a major factor in garnering financial and other support for our work and risk mitigation. The Global Accountability Strategy has five components: Christian Identity, Participation and partnering, Reflection and learning, Transparency and Global Engagement. In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, the occupant of this position will be responsible for external engagement on these issues under the Global Engagement umbrella, pro-actively positioning World Vision as a ‘leader’, shaping industry standards in high-profile, sector initiatives. World Vision has committed to publishing an annual Accountability Report in accordance with requirements of the International NGO Accountability Charter. Global Accountability coordinates the production of the Accountability Report – which aims to be integrated, transparent, credible and sector leading. The Accountability Report assists the organisation to communicate to external stakeholders the extent and depth of work being done to improve accountability across all ministry lines and operational functions i.e. to communicate the whole of organisation approach. Information to be included in the Accountability Report will be evidence-based, and, over time, include increased performance metrics, bench-marking global best practice. The Global Accountability team has multiple roles, championing accountability for the partnership at the policy level, but also contributing to improved practice for World Vision and the sector (practical tools, research and services). It operates as a focal point for information and advice, combining perspectives from external stakeholders and standards with internal World Vision approaches and practice; identifying gaps or weaknesses in the accountability system and contributing to development of accountability tools and resources. With its whole of system view, Global Accountability has an important role to play in identifying weaknesses and is also well placed to act as a convenor/facilitator or specialist resource to achieve improvements in discrete areas of accountability practice. But Global Accountability is not responsible for ‘direct management’ of any of the accountability domains, but is expected - with clear support from WVI leadership - to develop partnerships with key internal and external stakeholders. Our modus operandi requires understanding of GA's 'mandate', highly developed people skills and significant capacity to influence.

The purpose of this position is to provide high level support to the Partnership Leader for Global Accountability, taking responsibility for design and management (with minimal supervision) of those components of the Partnership's Global Accountability Strategy and Work Plan relating to 'transparency', namely WV's annual Accountability Report (which describes WV's accountability initiatives system wide and strategically positions WV as an organisation that is open, progressive, transparent, while managing reputational risk); promoting implementation of WV's Open Information Policy and providing Secretarial support for the Disclosure Committee (chaired by PAIR leader) - again, balancing the commitment to progressively greater transparency with responsible management of all forms of disclosure; and supporting the work of the Policy Coordination Committee (chaired by PAIR Leader), bring specific legal and high level drafting skills to bear to assist management review of existing and preparation of new policies, in line with the Open Information Policy.

The development of a programme of activity around WV's application of key partnership and accountability principles (empowered participation and twin citizenship partnering, accountability through reflection and learning and transparency) internally (ie in relation to governance and management in our federated network), and drawing on WV's experience to help shape industry standards, in cooperation with leading accountability initiatives, academic institutions, peer NGOs etc. In addition to the above, the occupant of this position will support the PL Global Accountability in promoting a shared framework and approach to accountability across the Partnership, working with WV leaders and line management to build awareness and capacity and to extend and deepen best practices according to local needs and priorities and, as needed, representing the PL and World Vision as and when required in WV and external forums and supporting the Accountability Community of Practice.


45% Major Activities - Develop/refine and implement Global Accountability Strategy and Work Plans relating to transparency, including technical advice to WV leadership and the wider partnership on accountability reporting and transparency issues, and working closely with the Partnership Leader for Global Accountability and key internal and external stakeholders to better understand and articulate the links between governance, accountability, transparency and evidence based reporting systems within WV the development of a programme of activity around WV's application of key partnership and accountability principles (empowered participation and twin citizenship partnering, accountability through reflection and learning and transparency) internally (ie in relation to governance and management in our federated network), and drawing on WV's experience, promoting and, where appropriate, protecting partnership interests while contributing to the shaping of industry standards and to the development enterprise more broadly (ie including government and private sector initiatives), in cooperation with leading accountability initiatives, academic institutions, peer NGOs etc. End Results Expected - Global Accountability Strategy and Multi-year Business Plan include clear framework for accountability based on approved drive towards greater transparency, with clarity of goals and objectives contributing to success in joint efforts internally (matrix-managed) and strategic positioning of WV (including support/advice to WV's President and Senior Staff) in inter-agency relations and in international NGO and multi-stakeholder processes, convening of workshops and seminars, dissemination of innovative, cutting edge materials etc. Continue WV's work on integrated approach to governance, accountability, transparency and evidence-based reporting working with partnership processes (Integrated Review Framework, Programme Capability Assessment, Global Field Operations, National Office Dashboard etc, to continue work towards a lighter but more effective system for reflection and learning to build the organisation and its sustainability.

15% Major Activities - Editorial responsibility for preparation of WV's annual Accountability Report on the basis of consultation with wide range of stakeholders across the partnership and responses to feedback provided by the Independent Review Panel. Provision of high level support for Partnership Leader for Global Accountability in managing the relationship with the International NGO Charter of Accountability Company Limited (PL represents WV on the Charter Company Board). End Results Expected - WV's annual Accountability Report gathers increasing recognition as exemplar for NGO accountability reporting, adding to WV's standing and enhancing our ability to deliver on CWBAs through improved efficiency, effectiveness and resource acquisition. WV recognised by independent review panel, peers, internal and external stakeholders as producing a credible/ professional/best practice reporting. WV recognised as a major contributor to the work (and standing) of the International NGO Charter of Accountability. Sharing of workloads envisaged under arrangements agreed for PL GA's combined role as Director of WV Geneva).

15% Major Activities - Responsibility for managing the roll out and implementation of WVI Open Information Policy and role of secretary to the Disclosure Committee, noting both the opportunities for enhanced standing, globally, and reduced risk and prudential management of disclosures. End Results Expected - Managed and systematic progress toward increased transparency. Effective functioning of Disclosure Committee (regular meetings), deepening relationships with Legal, Communications, Finance, Enterprise Risk Management, People & Culture executives, and increasing familiarity and confidence on the part of managers across the partnership with regard to transparency and disclosure.

15% Major Activities - Responsible, under the direction of the Policy Coordination Committee for coordination of a comprehensive review of WVI policies for relevance and consistency, liaising with 'policy owners' where new policies are proposed or improvements required, and with the Disclosure Committee on public disclosure in line with WV's Open Information Policy End Results Expected - The organisation’s policies (both Partnership and WVI specific) are maintained and up to date and operate as a coherent, logical and integrated suite of governance documents. World Vision’s policy hierarchy, application levels and processes for policy creation and amendment and clear and accessible. All existing policies reviewed within acceptable period of time to assess the relevance of content and to recommend style amendments to ensure consistency in drafting approach (e.g. policies should be written in logical layers, starting broad and working down). Working in consultation with policy owners), assuring timely responses to gaps identified in the current suite of policies, opportunities for rationalization of redundant or unnecessary documents, drafting improvements etc, and making sure that the necessary processes and consultations are completed before policies are introduced, amended and approved. Migration of an updated suite of policies to WV Central proceeds in accordance with agreed policy hierarchy. WV Central will become the ‘single source of the truth’ for Partnership and WVI policies internally, and with recommendations for public disclosure (eg on WVI) in accordance with the Open Information Policy.

10% Major Activities - Strategic and management support for the PL Global Accountability in promoting a shared framework and approach to accountability across the Partnership, working with WV leaders, line management and the Accountability Community of Practice to build awareness and capacity and to extend and deepen best practices according to local needs and priorities. As needed, SA T&A will represent the PL and World Vision as and when required in WV and external forums and supporting the Accountability Community of Practice. End Results Expected - Contribute to WV's capacity to be an authoritative voice for change - positioning World Vision as a ‘leader’ shaping industry standards. Increased productivity from Global Accountability team. Increase in capacity for Partnership Leader GA to focus on high level external engagement and policy settings while balancing demands of WV Geneva role.

REQUIRED: Tertiary degree. Advanced tertiary degree in management, law, economics, development or international relations or equivalent in experience in accountability-related activity essential. Deep understanding of emerging accountability and governance issues and challenges relevant to the International NGO sector demonstrated in published papers and contributions to global discourse essential. Detailed understanding of the regulatory environment for not-for-profit organisations based on practical experience (at least 5 years) highly regarded. Detailed understanding of broader corporate governance principles and practice, including exposure to accountability frameworks in other sectors highly regarded High level of skill and proven track record in producing quality corporate publications essential. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and persuasively in a wide range of contexts - from leadership to community - both within and outside the non-profit sector and to manage multiple stakeholders and Cross functional project groups or teams. Ability to plan and implement high-level activities on time and to standard. Must be fluent to a high standard in written and spoken English; ability in other languages valued. Close familiarity with the International NGO Charter of Accountability and the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative NGO Sector Supplement are essential Recent experience in the production of high quality 'accountability' or 'sustainability' reports highly desirable Demonstrated ability to relate to government and private sector 'accountability' actors highly regarded PREFERRED: The position favors a legal frame of mind for purposes of clarity around logic and efficiency of language If you are qualified and intersted in the position, Please Visit Our Website to Apply
