Livelihood Project Manager - ACTED, Wau

Closing date:  02 Jan 2012

Department: Programme
Position: Livelihood Project Manager Contract duration: 10 months Location: Wau – Republic of South Sudan Starting Date: ASAP

I. Background on ACTED
ACTED is an independent international, private, non-partisan and non-profit organization that operates according to principles of strict neutrality, political and religious impartiality, and non discrimination.

ACTED was created in 1993 to support populations affected by the conflict in Afghanistan. Based in Paris, France, ACTED now operates in 30 countries worldwide, with over 200 international and 3000 national staff. ACTED has a 100 million € budget for over 350 projects spanning 8 sectors of intervention; including emergency relief, food security, health promotion, economic development, education & training, microfinance, local governance & institutional support, and cultural promotion. For more information, please visit our website

II. Country Profile
Capital Office : Khartoum National Staff : 125 (average mai 2011) Areas : 2 (Western Darfur, Southern Darfur) On-going programmes : 10 Budget : 4.2 M

In 2005, ACTED began work in West Darfur. The objective was to respond to the humanitarian crisis through the rehabilitation of road networks and the promotion of water access and sanitation. In 2010, ACTED’s mission in Sudan focused on ensuring emergency access to basic services, while also supporting early recovery and rehabilitation in both Darfur and South Sudan. In the Darfur region, ACTED continued to provide emergency water, sanitation and hygiene support in camp areas for internally displaced populations. The organization also expanded its support to vulnerable local communities in rural parts of West Darfur. In South Sudan, ACTED expanded its efforts to ensure access to basic services, such as water and sanitation services, and supported local efforts to increase agricultural production and food security in underserved areas. Sudan is poised to undergo historic changes in 2011. With the formal separation of the South expected in July, 2011 will be a critical year for recovery and development throughout the country. With high needs and new opportunities for collaboration with a burgeoning government and private sector, ACTED will expand significantly its intervention in South Sudan in 2011.

III. Position Profile
The Program Manager Livelihood will contribute to the development of various projects, which is a constitutive part of the country strategy, and subsequently specific parts of their implementation.
  1. Ensure external representation of ACTED in relevant sectors
    • Representation vis-à-vis provincial authorities: Participate in technical and sectoral meetings to ensure visibility amongst local authorities;
    • Representation vis-à-vis Donors: Participate in technical and sectoral Donor meetings and pass relevant information to the Country Director;
  • Representation vis-à-vis international organisations: Participate in technical and sectoral meetings and working groups involving NGOs and UN Agencies (OCHA, PNUD, UNICEF, FAO, etc.) and all other inter-governmental institutions; Contribute to the creation of reports, ensuring the quality and accuracy of technical information provided as well as the confidentiality of internal information as required;
More generally, the program manager is expected to contribute to the creation of a positive image and overall credibility of the organisation, notably through the application of ACTED’s mandate, ethics, values and stand-point with regard to other actors. 2. Project Cycle Management - Project implementation: Plan the various stages of cash/vouchers transfers ; Guide the implementation of the project and the methods of follow-up; Liaise with all internal and external counterparts of the project; Assess the activities undertaken and ensure efficient use of resources; - Project reporting requirements: Set up a clear timeline of reports to be submitted to project Donors; Draft narrative reports and contribute to the development of financial reports through regular budgetary follow up; Ensure adherence to FLAT procedures. More generally, communicate systematically to the relevant Country Director or Programme Coordinator on project progress and planning. 3. Provide Relevant Technical Expertise - Ensure that technical quality and standards are considered during project implementation: Collect technical information and analyse associated opportunities and risks; Identify relevant technical authorities and partners, and propose formal partnership and/or contracts. - Undertake quality control: Analyse technical added-value and project impact; Set up technical evaluation exercises during and following implementation.

  • Coordinate all activities under the initiative, both at the CO and Sub-Office levels
  • Lead the design of vouchers and cash transfer programmes 
  • Oversee the implementation and evaluation of vouchers and cash transfers 
  • Interact with enterprises providing cash transfers services, and draft partnerships 
  • Ensure that financial, programming and reporting requirements for vouchers and cash operations are met, in consultation with appropriate units 
  • Provide guidance to Project Coordinators and partners on vouchers and cash transfers, in line with relevant processes 
  • Contribute to the production of guidance and outreach materials as appropriate 
  • Oversee partners’ performance in compliance with agreements and contracts 
  • Promote, coordinate and participate in capacity-building initiatives for ACTED and partners staff 
  • Liaise with implementing partners, donors, evaluation team and other actors on issues related to cash/voucher transfers 
  • Participate in meetings and events related to the initiative, both at the country and regional levels
  1. Oversee Program Staff and Security
    • Guide and direct program staff: Organise and lead project coordination meetings; Prepare and follow work plans with each project member; Ensure a positive working environment and good team dynamics (solve out potential conflicts); Promote team working conditions in the limit of private life; Adapt the organigramme and ToRs of project personnel according to the project development; Undertake regular appraisals of directly supervised colleagues and pass appraisal forms to the Country or Area Administrator with recommendations (new position, changes to contract or salary etc.); Ensure a building of capacity amongst technical staff in the relevant sectors.
    • Contribute to the recruitment of expatriate staff: When requested by HQ, undertake interviews to assess technical abilities of expatriate candidates living in the country.
    • Oversee staff security: In cooperation with the relevant Security Officer, monitor the local security situation and inform the Country Director or Area Coordinator and Country or Area Security Officer of developments through regular written reports; Contribute to the updating of the security guidelines in the project area of intervention; Ensure that security procedures are respected by each member of the project team.
  2. Identify Best Practices and Lessons Learned Collect information and tools employed for project implementation; Draft memos detailing lessons learned and best practices identified during the project; Share such memos with internal and external partners; Communicate such information to the Country Director or Area Coordinator, to Regional Support Offices and to HQ Reporting Department.
IV. Qualifications:
  • Masters degree;
  • Excellent analytical skills;
  • Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting on programme financial performance;
  • Ability to monitor and evaluate financial and monitoring skills of communities through capacity-building efforts;
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Familiarity with the aid system, and understanding of donor and governmental requirements;
  • Prior knowledge of the region an asset;
  • Fluency in English required
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Project Management software
V. Conditions:
  • Salary defined by the ACTED salary grid; educational level, expertise, hardship, security, and performance are considered for pay bonus
  • Additional monthly living allowance
  • Free food and lodging provided at the organisation’s guesthouse/or housing allowance (depending on contract length and country of assignment)
  • Transportation costs covered, including additional return ticket + luggage allowance
  • Provision of medical, life, and repatriation insurance + retirement package
How to apply: 

VI. Submission of applications:

Please send, in English, your cover letter, CV, and three references to Ref : PM/SUD/SA

ACTED Att: Human Resources Department 33, rue Godot de Mauroy 75009 Paris FRANCE
Fax. + 33 (0) 1 42 65 33 46

For more information
