Regional Grants Manager - World Vision, Singapore

Use your experiences in grants acquisition and leadership to be part of a leading organization dedicated to improving the lives of children living in poverty in Asia.

World Vision (WV) is a global network of people committed to enhance the well-being of children everywhere by empowering families and communities to overcome the challenges of poverty and injustice.

The Regional Grants Manager – SAPO will participate and support the Regional Finance Director in ensuring standards of excellence through grants financial management, accountability and integrity, and supporting grant acquisition in WV South Asia & Pacific National and Programme offices.

With a proven track record in a fast paced, complex and ideally global organisation, you will have a desire to help others and model ethics in line with the foundations and ethos of the organisation.

• Conduct quarterly review and analyses of grants financial reporting to ensure timely submission and compliance with WV policies and award requirements.
• Work with Support Offices in large scale (budget over $1m) proposal design workshops and review proposal budgets to ensure grant proposals have adequate provision to cover(cost allocation methodology) expenses.
• Work with the grant acquisition and management team to promote effective relations and support to National Offices (NOs) prioritized to grow grants or balance their funding portfolio.
• Coordinate with NO to assure follow up actions and implementation of audit recommendations and addressing common audit findings.

• Bachelor Degree in Finance, Business Admin or Accounting
• Strong understanding of systems design and implementation protocols
• Strong interpersonal skills, and proven team-player
• Track record of successfully training developing/mentoring and supervising finance and grant staff
• Significant experience with government grant regulations and financial reporting requirements.
Will you use your experience in financial management to further “life in all its fullness” for children?

Position is open for Nationals of the South Asia and Pacific Region. Location can be any World Vision National Office in that Region.
