SCI seeks an Institution for Primary Rehabilitation Therapy Services
Save the Children seeks an Institution for Primary Rehabilitation Therapy Services for community and /or parents for Save the Children International Indonesia Country Office Programming.

Objective of the Consultancy
  • To develop module on Primary Rehabilitation Therapy Service for Children with Disabilities .
  • To develop video tutorial as a visual tool on Primary Rehabilitation Therapy Training.
  • To develop criteria of participants and support the selection of the participants.
  • To train on the importance of parents involvement and participation on the development of their CWDs and the importance of the continuum stimulation and therapy.
  • To train on primary rehabilitation therapy service for children with disability that integrates knowledge and skills from physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and behavior therapy
  • To train to have knowledge and skills on how to utilize and develop available resources as safe and comfortable supporting aids for CWDs and their families
  • To develop action plan on the stimulation service system in the area
Candidate consultants must submit proposal and electronic copy of your proposal must be emailed to: on September 5, 2014 before 5 pm with a Subject: RFP – PRTS - <your company name>. Please do not send before this date.
For detailed Scope of Work regarding this consultancy service please go to: HERE
