Wildlife Conservation Society Vacancy: Fisheries Trade and Monitoring Specialist - Denpasar, Bali - Indonesian

The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Indonesia program aims to conserve marine resources vital to the protection and sustainability of a wide range of human activities and livelihoods. Consequently, conservation efforts cannot be separated from the management of fisheries or interaction with coastal communities. WCS employs a rigorous scientific approach to build capacity, strengthen management and inspire community stewardship for the protection and sustainable use of critical marine ecosystems, fisheries and threatened species.

To achieve these goals, WCS are currently developing networks of marine protected areas (MPAs) in seascapes in Aceh, Java, Sulawesi and the Sunda-Banda as part of our Seascapes Program.

To complement these programs we have initiated a Fisheries Program that aims to complement protected area networks with the overall goal to improve fisheries management and ensure that sustainable fishing practices are adopted. To do so, we are assisting in the improved management of the national Fishery Management Area (FMA) governance system, with a focus on the government prioritized snapper and grouper fishery in FMA 573 and more broadly in West Nusa Tenggara Province. WCS is also investigating shark and ray fisheries in the region with the intent to improve the sustainability of this fishery, build compliance with government regulations and eliminate fishing of protected species. We collaborate closely with governments, industry, NGOs including The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and other experts to build a more effective collaboration for improvement in fisheries governance. Effective implementation of WCSIP conservation and enforcement interventions have significant implications for the livelihoods of local fishers, hence appropriate mitigation measures need to be developed.

Specifically, we aim to reach this goal through the main objectives:
  • Build relationships among private sector, community and government stakeholders to facilitate the development of regulatory, institutional, and capacity building needs required for improved fisheries management. Assist in the design and establishment of fisheries management decision making bodies and provide expertise to government and the private sector on fisheries regulations;
  • Assist in examining and evaluation of outcomes of surveys of fishing private sector and community perceptions, needs and incentives required to understand the socio-economic and governance factors that drive support for new fisheries regulations, to help adopt and support sustainable fisheries management approaches including development of fishery reserves and appropriate input/output controls; 
  • Oversee development and management of fisheries monitoring and evaluation systems, traceability systems and database management and analyses for providing real-time information for fisheries policy and regulatory reform;
  • Ensure all fisheries monitoring has a robust design, is evaluated and databases are updated is able to feed data and information to the WCS Marine Program and associated NGO and government programs. 
In order to support the program, WCS-IP is looking for a strong and motivated Fisheries Trade and Monitoring Specialist  who will perform his/her best skill in this area to get best program achievement. Details vacant position as follows:

Position: Fisheries Trade and Monitoring Specialist
Based in: Denpasar, Bali
Contract period: 1 year with possibility of an extension

Application Details
When you are interested in the above position and consider that you possess the necessary qualification, please submit your job application consisting of updated curriculum vitae, expected salary, three professional references and a cover letter explaining your interest towards this work and/or this organization to wcsindonesia@wcs.org . The email subject should be put as: “Fisheries Trade and Monitoring Specialist ".

November 30th   , 2015
No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified.

For more information about the vacant position and Wildlife Conservation Society – Indonesia Program, please visit our website at HERE
