REPORTING TO: Programmatic Vice President, and Director, International Support
LOCATION: New Delhi, India
JOBS SUPERVISED: Country Office Staff
ASSIGNMENT LENGTH: Two years renewable by mutual consent and availability of funds
The Population Council conducts biomedical, social science, and public
health research and helps build research capacities in developing
countries throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
The Council is seeking a highly experienced health or social scientist
to serve as Country Director for our office in New Delhi, India. This
position will provide substantive leadership, professional
representation, and skillful management of the Council's mission,
resources, relationships and activities primarily in India and the
surrounding region. The Country Director will be responsible for the
oversight of the implementation and monitoring of all Council activities
in the Country, as well as for managing the administration and
operations of the Council's office, including financial and staff
The India office is undertaking projects in all three program areas in
which the Council is working: Reproductive Health, HIV and AIDS, and
Poverty, Gender and Youth. The Council has led the field in India in
these program areas. Pioneering work is currently being undertaken in
Reproductive Health to improve quality of care, enhance utilization of
services, promote financial sustainability, prevent unwanted pregnancy
and unsafe abortion, and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. The HIV
and AIDS Program spans prevention, care, treatment and support
activities. Work on the Poverty, Gender and Youth includes understanding
the multiple needs of adolescents and young people and implementing
interventions to delay age at marriage, provide educational
opportunities, and sexual reproductive health services to this important
population sub-group; understanding the causes and consequences of
marital violence and implementing prevention interventions to address
the problem, among others. The India office is working in about 15
states of the country in partnership with the central and state
governments, researchers, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Strengthening
national capacity is an integral component of all its programs.
The successful candidate will oversee and support initiation,
development, implementation and monitoring activities under all three of
the Council's Programs mentioned above. In addition, the Country
Director will undertake fundraising to build and diversify the India
office portfolio.
- Cultivate and maintain relationships with key stakeholders to advance the Council's mission and activities and to identify emerging areas of policy and funding in India by representing the Council to donors, development partners, policy-makers, NGOs, private sector institutions, universities, and government institutions such as the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- Ensure that project goals are being met within Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS and Poverty Gender and Youth Programs, and any other program activities that may be developed in India.
- Provide direction and develop capacity among program staff to prepare proposals, develop research protocols and expand areas of critical programmatic focus in India and the region.
- Provide intellectual leadership in the design and implementation of influential research and in the publication of research in significant journals, books and proceedings.
- Ensure quality, ethics, program relevance, and responsiveness to country needs in the design and implementation of programmatic research and other activities in India.
- Develop and manage the Council's country office in New Delhi by advancing an overall country strategy to address needs and priorities of the country within the context of the Council's three program areas.
- Raise funds from a diversity of sources (US Government, other bi-laterals, multilaterals, and private foundations) for Council activities in India and the region in all three Council program areas.
- Supervise the financial and administrative management of the Council office in India to comply with local laws, budgetary allocations, donor requirements, and Council policies and procedures.
- Provide guidance, supervision, capacity building, and leadership to Council staff and consultants in India. Oversee recruitment and hiring, and performance management with a respect for cultural diversity and context.

- Doctoral degree in social science, medicine, public health, or related field, with relevant training and expertise; at least ten years of relevant postdoctoral experience in a progressively senior capacity.
- Demonstrated successful management and implementation of health research projects in low-resource settings, and programs addressing vulnerabilities of sexual and reproductive health. A satisfactory combination of experience and educational background will be considered.
- Proven ability to manage and administer a country-level program on Reproductive Health, HIV and AIDS; or Poverty, Gender, and Youth. This qualification requires experience in recruiting, monitoring, evaluating, building capacity of, and supervising local staff; managing project resources; fundraising and donor reporting; as well as the ability to work well with all levels of national and international staff within a complex organization. Specific experience with the management of projects supported by private foundations, NIH, and other government bilateral and multilateral donors, strongly preferred.
- Demonstrated ability to design, implement, analyze, publish, and disseminate public health research in developing countries.
- Demonstrated ability to stimulate fundraising and secure funds for program activities.
- Results oriented; experienced with setting and measuring performance against targets at organizational, department, team and individual levels.
- Proven ability to foster open discussion and develop strong relationships inside and outside of the organization.
- A proven track record of developing self and staff.
- Strong leadership and management skills and the vision to build, motivate and lead the India office in a collegial environment.
- Reputation for excellence in public health programs, through past positions and publications record.
- Understanding of government systems and business practices in India or a similar developing country, and a demonstrated ability to work in a multicultural environment.
- Superior diplomatic, representational, problem-solving, management and interpersonal skills.
- Excellent English language communication skills, written and oral.
- Willingness to travel within India, regionally, and overseas on a regular basis.
The Population Council is an international, nonprofit, nongovernmental
institution that seeks to improve the well-being and reproductive health
of current and future generations around the world and to help achieve a
humane, equitable, and sustainable balance between people and
resources. The Council conducts biomedical, social science, and public
health research and helps build research capacities in developing
countries. Established in 1952, the Council is governed by an
international board of trustees. Its New York headquarters supports a
global network of country offices. We are seeking an individual to fill
the position described.
If you know of a qualified candidate or are interested in this position, please apply at: HERE.
Deadline: 20 Feb 2016
The Population Council provides equal opportunity; it does not
discriminate against any person with regard to age, color, creed,
national origin, disability, political belief, veteran status, religion,
marital status, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation.
Decisions on employment are based on an individual's qualifications as
related to the position for which s/he is being considered. The Council
especially encourages applications from qualified women and members of
minority groups. The Population Council is international in the
composition of its board of trustees and its staff, as well as in the
nature and deployment of its activities.