Human Dignity Foundation Job Vacancy: HDF Impact Review - Regional / Global

HDF Impact Review
Request for Proposals

About HDF
Human Dignity Foundation(HDF) is a private, Swiss foundation established in 2004 and governed by a Board of Directors. The foundation has a limited lifespan and will end its grant-making in 2021.

A world where all children and young people are living with dignity

Guided by its vision, HDF supports relevant organisations to expand and improve their work with children and young people in Africa and Asia.

  • Passion for our vision and mission 
  • Accountability to programme participants, grantees and other donors 
  • Courage to fund courageous work, to challenge the status quo, to admit our mistakes 
  • Excellence in all that we do 
Child Protection
HDF recognises the rights of children to be protected from any harm or abuse. HDF is committed to taking all the necessary steps to ensure that children are protected and receive the support they need, recognising that some children face particular risks related to their gender, race, disability, etc.

HDF’s full Safeguarding Policy and related documents will be provided as part of the contract arising from these Terms of Reference.

HDF was established in 2004 and currently has 46 live grants to a value of USD51m worldwide. It has funded a total of 78 grants since inception, including the current live grants.

The current staffing level is 4.5 FTEs together with 2 part-time consultants based in India and South Africa respectively.
From 2004 until the end of 2010, HDF was staffed by one part-time consultant who worked with the Chairman and board to identify and approve grants while also managing the investment portfolio through a turbulent time. In 2009 HDF’s board decided to limit the life of the foundation and to spend down current capital by 2021. With this objective in mind an executive Director was appointed in October 2010 and other staff came on board in the subsequent years.

An initial strategy was approved in 2011 and, following the sunrise phase of the foundation, a refined strategy was approved in 2013.

In 2013 HDF commissioned a regulatory audit by KPMG Switzerland to assess HDF’s compliance with relevant Swiss law particularly the Guide for Foundations. In summary the audit covered the following areas:
  • Deeds of foundation – relevance, legal compliance etc.
  • Organisation and management – board of trustees, board minutes, commercial register, internal controls, annual reports, tax exemption
  • Investments – policy & practice, compliance
  • Funds/grants – compliance with purpose
HDF conducted a high-level, internal survey of grantees in 2012; it recently commissioned the Center for Effective Philanthropy to do a Grantee Perception Report  (GPR) the results of which are available on HDF’s website.

Many of HDF’s closed and active grants are externally evaluated and these, together with the various reviews noted above, provide good insights into HDF’s overall effectiveness. The missing links are a synthesis of both grant and organisation effectiveness which this review will address. The process should complement, and build on, pieces of work already undertaken.

Review Purpose
The purpose of the review is to understand the effectiveness of HDF to date, learn from past actions and adjust the foundation’s course as required for the remainder of its limited life.

To achieve this purpose, the foundation will open itself to rigorous review and actively consider recommendations arising.

The scope of this review reflects pieces of work already undertaken.

This RFP encompasses two strands and proponents should address both strands in an integrated manner: 
  • Grant impact & effectiveness 
  • Organisation effectiveness 
The specific objectives are:
Grant impact and effectiveness 
  • examine the impact of HDF grant-making, identifying interventions that are deemed effective or showing promising results 
  • examine the alignment between grants and the strategic framework of the foundation 
  • identify unintended consequences – positive or negative - of HDF grant-making 
  • review the current MEL framework as a tool for tracking implementation of the foundation’s strategy 
Organisation Effectiveness 
  • Examine the effectiveness of the organisation’s structure in delivering on its mission
  • Examine the foundation’s role beyond grant-making e.g. building capacity, institutions and/or the field
  • Synthesise the findings of existing third party reviews 
The proposed methodology should be detailed by the proponents and may, amongst others, encompass: 
  • Review of existing strategy and MEL 
  • Desk review of programme documentation – grantee reports, external evaluations3, HDF documentation 
  • Case studies 
  • Field review of a sample of grants e.g. on a thematic basis 
  • Review of third party processes 
  • Key informant interviews e.g. HDF staff, peers, board members 
Expected Outputs 
  • Brief inception report 
  • Publishable final report with executive summary and clear conclusions and recommendations 
  • Powerpoint presentation to HDF board - maximum 15 slides with clear summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations 
Final report to be submitted by 15th October 2016.
A proposal, not more than 4 pages, outlining how this piece of work will be undertaken should be submitted to HDF. The proposal should include: 
  • Detailed methodology
  • Timeline 
  • Costs – the total price shall specify the hourly fee and hours for each person proposed for the assignment 
Annexed items should include:
  • Team credentials 
  • Two samples of relevant, recent work by team members
  • Two referees 
Please submit proposals to Kerry McCormack, Programme Assistant, at by 09.00 GMT on 18th March 2016.

Link for full job description: 
