JSI Research & Training Institute Job Vacancy: Resident Advisor - Conakry, Guinea

JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) is seeking a Resident Advisor for a project to support the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene in the creation and deployment of IMPACT teams (based on the Visibility and Analytics Network (VAN) model, a method and process for using supply chain data for operational decisions and for continuous improvement through a quality improvement approach) and the implementation of an electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) to improve availability and visibility of essential health commodity and vaccine data. The Logistics Management Information System support for Guinea project will work to implement the VAN and eLMIS to improve the availability of vaccines and reproductive health products.

The Resident Advisor for Conakry, Guinea is a locally hired position responsible for leading and overseeing implementation of the project’s country activities with the aim of achieving the project goals and objectives. The Resident Advisor is responsible for the supervision of local project personnel in Guinea. S/he will report to the Technical Manager in Arlington, VA and work closely with the project staff members, other implementing partners in Guinea and other technical staff based in the home office. S/he is responsible for maintaining effective communication with the project staff in the home office, the Ministry and its stakeholders, and other public, private, and FBO/NGO sector implementing programs and other USG cooperating agencies as required.


  • Work with the US and country project team members and in-country stakeholders to develop and implement an annual work plan that supports the strengthening of the supply chain for vaccines and reproductive health products in Guinea, that is consistent with the goals and objectives of the project, and that complements other supply chain strengthening efforts in Guinea.
  • Coordinate the establishment and implementation of VAN and eLMIS interventions to support the vaccine and reproductive health supply chains.
  • Provide ongoing technical assistance to the Ministry, central medical stores and other implementing organizations in Guinea to institutionalize VAN and eLMIS activities
  • Work with the US based and country team members to organize, to staff and to manage technical activities in the work plan. Activities may include: technical support to the local VAN teams, ongoing monitoring of and input to the software development process, logistics system design, training of trainers workshops, supervision, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Serve as the prime interface on technical issues between the Guinea office and the DC office and as the primary technical link between the field office and DC-based technical consultants.
  • Liaise and coordinate with the Government of Guinea, implementing partners, evaluation partners, global procurement partners, and other stakeholders on supply chain issues.
  • Facilitate requirement gathering for planned eLMIS implementation through organizing meetings among stakeholder groups, gathering existing manuals, forms, registers, standard operating procedure/protocols, format of routine MIS reports/analytics currently being used at different levels of the supply chain systems of the MOHS, other governmental and NGO distribution networks.
  • Review and track annual work plan, budget and indicators.
  • Provide technical input into and review The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation annual reports and other relevant reporting documents.
  • Supervise and mentor Guinea project staff and write performance evaluations on these staff.
  • Assure adherence to JSI’s standards for management and technical quality.
  • Participate in routine technical teleconference calls, team meetings and periodic team building exercises, and in close communication with the home office.
  • Coordinate with other in-country JSI projects to harmonize policies and procedures to the extent possible and to be able to describe JSI’s overall portfolio of activities in Guinea.
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
  • Advanced degree (Masters Degree or higher) in public health, pharmacy management or supply chain management.
  • Specific experience in pharmaceutical management, the collection and analysis of logistics data, and/or using data for supply chain decision-making are all highly desirable.
  • Experience with or familiarity with OpenLMIS software is a plus.
  • 5+ years working in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of international public health projects.
  • Experience in capacity building and organizational development.
  • Strong managerial, organizational, and problem-solving skills.
  • Experience working in the government health system in Guinea is highly desirable, although not required.
  • Knowledge of (or ability to grasp quickly) the JSI management and quality assurance systems.
  • Experience with the international donor community, including bilateral and multilateral donor agencies and private foundations.
  • Excellent writing, communication, presentation, and organizational skills.
  • Strong preference for a candidate who is a team player, can take initiative, and demonstrates technical leadership.
  • Ability to work comfortably in the MS Office package, specifically MSWord, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint, and project management tools.
  • Fluent English and French.
This is a full-time position based in Guinea with some domestic travel to provide technical assistance. JSI offers excellent benefits. The initial assignment will be for one year with possibility of extension.

To apply to this position please send CV, cover letter, telephone number, email address, salary requirements, names of three references and date of availability to jsivanrecruitment@gmail.com. Applications should be received no later than close of business on Friday, January 20, 2017 and should mention “Resident Advisor” in the subject line of the email.
