Mercy Corps Job Consultant: Marketing Strategy Development for Maluku Spice Market - Ambon, Indonesian

Spice Up the Deal III (SUD III) is designed to foster systemic changes to develop equitable nutmeg and clove markets in Indonesia’s Maluku Province (with a focus on nutmeg). Building on previous phases, the program continues to work with farmers, traders and other actors involved in the production, processing, marketing and export of nutmeg on the Maluku islands. The program goal is to improve the performance of these spice value chains to benefit poor farmers and increase their income, by increasing the capacity of the Maluku Spice Council (MSC) to be an effective business hub that advances the development of the spice market. The Spice Council will support increased production, improvements in quality, and foster ‘win-win’ business relationships between farmer groups and buyers. In this final phase, the program focuses on supporting the Maluku Spice Council to fully take on leadership and management of market development efforts, thereby ensuring the continuation of activities and building long-term sustainability.

Consultant Objectives
Mercy Corps Indonesia is seeking a consultant to develop a sustainable nutmeg marketing strategy for the Maluku Spice Council based on an assessment and analysis of the nutmeg market, including the barriers and opportunities for promoting the Maluku spice sector and attracting international buyers.  The consultant will also provide detailed recommendations for the Maluku Spice Council on actions to facilitate linkages between spice market actors in both domestic and export markets.

Consultant Activities
The Consultant will do the following:
  • Design the market assessment and analysis methodology (framework, data collection and interview methods, questionnaires, identification of key informants) in consultation with Mercy Corps Indonesia.
  • Conduct literature research
  • Conduct site visits to Ambon and Seram Island, Maluku Province.
  • Conduct meetings and interviews with the Maluku Spice Council in Ambon as well as the Indonesia Spice Council in Jakarta.
  • Conduct meetings and interviews with key spice sector stakeholders who support, use or could benefit from MSC market development services, including: the spice farmer association, spice farmer business groups, traders, exporters, KADIN,  Trade and Industry Department, Agriculture Department, University, etc.
  • Research markets, trading conditions and regulations (including recent or expected changes) for nutmeg in key export markets that affect Maluku’s (and Indonesia’s) ability to access export markets.
  • Evaluate the market challenges and develop potential solutions that can be enacted by the Maluku Spice Council.
  • Propose a marketing strategy that will support the MSC to achieve concrete results in line with its goal; identify business opportunities that the MSC should pursue and recommend areas for further work to develop specific marketing activities.
  • Identify organizational development needs that will enable the Maluku Spice Council to meet the demand for services by their constituents in the spice sector. Propose systems changes that will allow MSC to improve its service delivery.
  • Present assessment findings and recommendations and the proposed marketing strategy to Mercy Corps Indonesia and the Maluku Spice Council during a workshop and seek feedback.
  • Complete a final report on assessment findings and recommendations in English and Indonesia language (incorporating feedback from Mercy Corps Indonesia on draft report).
  • Complete a marketing strategy in English and Indonesian language (incorporating feedback from Mercy Corps Indonesia on draft strategy).
Consultant Deliverables
  • Written inception plan with a detailed outline of the methodologies to be used, planned actions, and timeline.
  • Presentation of assessment findings and recommendations as well as the proposed marketing strategy at a workshop with Mercy Corps Indonesia and Maluku Spice Council members.
  • Submission of a report with assessment findings and recommendations.
  • Submission of the proposed nutmeg marketing strategy document.
Timeframe / Schedule
  • 21 days in May 2017
The Consultant will report to
  • Project Manager, SUD III
The Consultant will work closely with
  • Maluku Spice Council
  • Mercy Corps Director of Programs
  • Project Manager SUD III
  • Project Officer SUD III
Please your CV and Application Letter (include information of your daily rate) to before 1 May 2017.
