TuK Indonesia Job Vacancy: GIS Specialist To Develop App For The Global Forest Watch Platform, Indonesian

Job Vacancy
GIS specialist to develop app for the Global Forest Watch platform
About TuK
TuK Indonesia is an Indonesian NGO based in Jakarta that works on the environmental, natural resource and human rights impacts of development in Indonesia. TUK INDONESIA advocates for the fulfilment of the constitutional rights of the Indonesian people for the realisation of justice, well-being and human integrity. Its mission is to empower Indonesian CSOs and communities through capacity-building and education; to promote recognition, protection, fulfilment and respect for human rights; to strengthen cultural values and local wisdoms in natural resources management and environmental protection and management and; to advocate for the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment.
Job descriptions
We are looking for a GIS specialist who is highly motivated and adaptable, to work on the development of a new app based on the Global Forest Watch platform. This app will use data from the GFW platform, like information on deforestation, which will be linked to our own data, in order to develop new maps. The GIS specialist will be responsible for the entire development process of this app, which shall be accessible through a page on our website. 
Location and Duration
The contract will be for the period of 6 months, from July 1st till December 31st
Requirements and Skills
  • ArcGIS- Excellent  knowledge in the data capture, validation and analysis as well as showing the ability to produce high quality mapping products
  • GFW – A good understanding of how the Global Forest Watch platform works and how you can use the platform to develop your own maps.
  • Experience in GIS data collection, verification, cleansing, conversion, analysis, validation and redistribution (including importing and exporting data from the GFW platform)
  • A degree qualification in GIS or a related field, or a graduate student in GIS at internship level.
  • Programming skills – understanding of the required programming skills to develop this web application.
  • Ability to work independently, good problem solving skills, with a desire to innovate 
  • Ability to communicate well with the project team and the TuK team
  • Able to communicate in written and spoken English
  • Experience in the compilation of interactive web mapping
Please submit your personal data now to dhini@tuk.or.id
  • Short application letter describes your qualification meet stipulated requirement above
  • Contact information from 2 recommendations who can be contacted by phone
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English
  • Selected candidates will be invited for an interview on location or by skype between June 19th and June 23rd.
