GIZ Job Vacancy: Driver - Berau, Kalimantan - Indonesian

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German implementing organization which provides services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has a record of more than 20 years of involvement in the area of climate policy in Indonesia.

Together with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), GIZ in cooperation with BAPPENAS is currently implementing “Low-emission Oil Palm Development in Berau District, East Kalimantan” (LEOPAD) project. The objective is to have a coalition of government, business and community actors who understand and apply tools, approaches, incentives and policy frameworks for sustainable palm oil development and pilots implementation towards a district-level low-emission oil palm development in Berau.

Working towards this aim, the project shall be implemented up to 5 years clustered into three work areas. Those are:

  • Development and application of tools and approaches for strategic management and oversight of plantation development and operation by District Government
  • Facilitation of community – company partnership
  • Facilitation of multi-stakeholder working groups.
GIZ seeks a qualified Indonesian candidate for one position of Driver


  • Management of official vehicle (logbook, insurance, tax, STNK/car licence);
  • Safely and responsibly performing all official travel using official vehicles;
  • Regularly servicing and looking after official vehicles;
  • Taking account of all available information on road conditions, accessible routes and locations;
  • Running official errands and;
  • Assisting with other office work.

  • Vehicle Management

  • provides passenger transport in an official car for staff, official visitors and guests;
  • supports office logistics and runs errands, e.g. sending letters and messages, paying bills, buying smaller quantities of office supplies and lunch according to orders;
  • helps with transporting goods;
  • completes the vehicle log correctly and conscientiously in accordance with GIZ standards;
  • Does not use the car for his own private purposes at any time. Such mis-used of the vehicle is considered a serious misconduct, and will immediately lead to a warning and may result in dismissal.

  • Cleans the interior and exterior of the vehicles regularly;
  • Checks oil, water, brakes and brake liquid, tyre pressure, battery levels and the entire vehicle, monthly or every 5,000 km (whichever is first), headlights, brakes, bodywork for dents etc;
  • Responsible for the project vehicle documents and their good condition, keeping a vehicle log and recording monthly maintenance;
  • Calculate daily park and toll fees and settle the cash advance immediately  
  • Reports need for service and carries out minor repairs;
  • Immediately reports all involvement of the project or office vehicle in accidents, including minor accidents, damage, loss or theft of vehicle fittings.

Knowledge management
  • Uses all available information (including current radio news on traffic conditions) to update daily knowledge of road conditions, current passable routes and locations, and shares this information with other office drivers.

Office Communication and Administration
General Services
  • Assists in the logistical management of the meeting room
  • Operating the telephone and informing staff of important communications
  • Makes photocopies and scans documents if and when required
  • Assist in proper maintenance and repair of office premises and equipment
  • Cleans the office premises

Other duties/additional tasks
  • Deputizes the office support in case of his absence
  • Assists other colleagues as needed if there is no travel duty and carries out other office work on request
  • Generally the driver will perform services for LEOPD project, but will support other projects implemented by GIZ on demand and after approval of the management.

Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • At least Senior High School educational background;
  • Holds a valid driver’s licence is a MUST;
  • At least 3 years’ professional experience as a driver with references;
  • No major accidents in the past 3 years;
  • Discipline and punctualityresilience and patienceappropriate appearance and attire;
  • Very good knowledge and familiarity with Berau and its suroundings;
  • Ensures unrestricted availability of vehicles at all times and reports restrictions immediately;
  • Sufficient knowledge of English;
  • Sufficient working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office);
  • Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures is agreed with management.

Duty Station: Berau, Kalimantan
Joining Date: a.s.a.p.
Direct Supervisor:   Principal Advisor of Low-emission Oil Palm project

Please submit your motivation letter and comprehensive resume (including list of trainings and references) to by January 22nd, 2018 with subject line LEOP – Driver.

Please name your file as follow format:[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate] (i.e: Nakula Sadewa_CV orNakula Sadewa _Motivation Letter or Nakula Sadewa_Reference)

Only short-listed candidates will be notified
