Terms of Reference (ToR)
Community Based Child Protection Mechanism in Development and Emergency Settings
ChildFund vision for destination 2020 to establish a world which children are realize their rights and reach their full potency, and to put an ending of violence against children as priority. This vision deepens its well-being and protection programs for children as one of its major strategy in attaining the core outcomes for every life stage. ChildFund child protection approach is to “strengthen child protection system through - community-based child protection mechanisms” with the view that most child protection system models emphasizes on the statutory and more formal system, and that these national systems has limited reached to communities even as efforts are being made by governments and other agencies to strengthen them.
Systems thinking had reshaped the definition of child protection to include all those elements that play a part in the protection of children, including less formal mechanisms and components. This placed ChildFund, with the local partners in communities, in a unique position to work closely with and strengthen the capacity of local child protection mechanisms as an approach to child protection leading to its visions for children in each of the life stage[1].
In Indonesia ChildFund is a part of National Alliance for ending violence against children, that support Government efforts on child protection as not only Indonesia is one of pathfinder country on ending violence against children, but also toward Indonesia fit for children. To maximize its support ChildFund would like to address some gap on child protection that have an evidence based approaches that might become a promising model to adopt, and in order to that we also would like to understand better about the context of communities which we work with on social norms and to understand the scale of child protection issue and to give reliable evidence the protective factors and risks factors in families and community, including in child protection system in targeted areas (emergency – in Palu). This consultancy will help Partners – and ChildFund to re-strengthen community, and will help partners for mentoring on CBCPM until become “Community Action Planning” for protect children in emergency situation.
The aims of this Consultancy are:
- To assist ChildFund and Partners on strengthening CBCPM through Training, Mentoring, identify and develop appropriate case management.
- To gather information regarding knowledge and understanding of children, parents, and community about child rights, child protection and child protection system, and child nurture without violence, through Participatory tools
- To assists Partners on doing the implementation of CBCPM in the village.
- To assist Partners to do community action plan and strengthen community for CBCPM in the village level
As per the ToR, the following measurement is recommended:
- Facilitate a participatory process for ChildFund partners and staffs for gather information on Community Based Child Protection and Child Protection in working areas.
- Facilitate a participatory process for children and youth to gather information on children resiliency and life skill for self-protection including protective factors and risks factors.
- Analysis the results and give recommendation for Partners and ChildFund and help partners to establish or strengthen community for child protection mechanism.
- Train project staffs and partners on child protection and Child Safeguarding.
- Study /assessment of results/ review of field interviews
- Consultations with government officials and other related key stakeholders , using findings from the CBCPM à for Community Action plan and lobby
- Number of project staffs and community facilitators train
- Number of youth facilitators train on Child Protection
- Number of child and youth group consultation on children situation in emergency
- Number of village CBCPM established
- Final report of consultancy for partners and ChildFund Indonesia
- Minimum 5 years in experience in Child-Centered Community Empowerment, especially in emergency situations.
- Experience in developing community-based organizations
- Experience as a facilitator and trainer for child protection
- Able to work with various levels of society and team projects
- Understand the CPiE approach and Child Protection Minimum Standard in Humanitarian
- Never commit acts of violence against children or other criminal acts relating to certain gender and religion or violence against children