RTI International - Knowledge Sector Initiative Project Job Vacancy: Enabling Environment Senior Coordinator, Jakarta - Indonesian

The Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) is a partnership between the governments of Indonesia and Australia. It is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Bappenas).
 KSI supports Indonesian policymakers to develop more effective development policies through better use of research, data, and analysis. The program works with research providers and government agencies to strengthen the quality and policy-relevance of research and how it is used for policymaking. KSI also works to improve regulations and practices that support quality research and make using evidence in policymaking easier.
RTI International as the managing contractor for this program is in search of highly qualified and enthusiastic, experienced candidates to fill the position of ENABLING ENVIRONMENT SENIOR COORDINATOR - Jakarta

Essential duties and responsibilities:
The Enabling Environment Senior Coordinator (EESC) is a key role in facilitating actors and institutions within the knowledge sector to ensure that research and other types of evidence are produced and made available to policymakers to inform their decisions. As a highly skilled facilitator, the EESC will ensure that strong networks are engaged and key opinion leaders are facilitated into Change Leadership Networks (CLNs) who are accessing and referring to diagnostics and references provided by the KEL (Knowledge Exchange and Learning) Team and developing joint reform agendas related to Indonesia’s knowledge sector.

Under the supervision of the Policy and Innovation Development (PID) Lead, the EESC supports the function of the team to ensure that KSI continues to build networks and coalitions of key opinion leaders and policy makers. Building from existing relationships and networks, the PID team will initiate multiple CLNs, and support these networks in establishing reform and policy agendas. As key agendas develop and require further resourcing, the PID team will also work with and be supported by the Strategic Partnership Management (SPM) team to implement substantive innovations and initiatives.

The responsibilities are as follows but are not limited to:
  • Working under the coordination of the Policy and Innovation Development (PID) Lead, the EESC will work together with the National Change Leadership Network Senior Coordinator and Subnational Change Leadership Network Senior Coordinator to provide evidence-based government policy recommendations to actors and institutions involved in the reform agendas;
  • Coordinates and facilitates change leadership networks in developing evidence-based policy recommendations and agendas;
  • Act as conveners and critical friend to CLNs in identifying the need of evidence, the kinds of credible and best-available evidence to inform Government of Indonesia (GoI) decision making and the different use of evidence based on the nature of policy making processes;
  • Provide critical inputs, analyse discourses within CLNs in order to facilitate their design and progression of strategic agendas and activities;
  • Work together with the Strategic Partnership Management unit to identify where research and other types of evidence produced by the Policy Research Alliance could potentially be used by CLNs and formulate and communicate the type of evidence needed by CLNs to KSI International and National Partners;
  • Commission Political Economy Analysis in identifying a potential political space (enabling environment) that inform strategies in engaging with the right CLNs, actors and institutions;
  • Ensure results from CLN activities on the use of evidence are captured, analysed and disseminated to inform KSI evolving strategy, directions and decisions;
  • Identify thematic policy priorities across CLNs and links to DFAT's portfolio of aid investments to support amplifying evidence as a policy input to GoI;
  • Work collaboratively with the Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation Team to supply performance information and to identify key learning. 
Master’s degree and a minimum of 9 years of experience or a Bachelor Degree and 12 years of experience in management, communications, knowledge management, business administration, international development, public policy, social policy research, or a related field;

Skills & Abilities:
  • communications or knowledge management role, and proven capacity to work in a matrix compliance oriented organisation;
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively broker, collaborate and build strong networking relationships with a variety of stakeholders at national and subnational level to promote evidence-based policy making;
  • Experience working with GoI policy makers and supporting highly productive and functional networks involving government officials and other key stakeholders;
  • Ability to engage proactively with policy makers with the sound understanding in thinking and working politically;
  • Ability to communicate effectively and cross-culturally with pivotal actors involved in the policy making level at national and subnational level;
  • Sound experience conducting political economy analysis or stakeholder network analysis;
  • Excellent presentation, communication and inter-personal / cross-cultural skills;
  • Ability to work well within a team and to work effectively with government and non-government stakeholders;
  • Ability to analyse plan and develop appropriate responses to complex situations and highly developed problem solving skills;
  • Highly advanced English writing skills and strong Bahasa Indonesia speaking and writing skills.
If you meet the requirements, and are keen to be part of this exciting program, you are welcome to submit your applications online via CLICK HERE before Sunday, March 3, 2019.
