Program Officer - CBI (National Staff)
Job Description
- Support the design and implementation of CBI (Cash Based Intervention) within the general Plan of Action to provide smooth and timely cash assistance as will as maximizing local capacities.
- Support and advise on all cash-related activities as required, including market assessment, engaging with FSPs and vendor selection, and promote accountability in all program cycle.
- Undertake risk analysis related to the cash intervention and contribute to the development of mitigation measures
- Maintain close coordination with PMI Cash focal person, IFRC and Movement Cash Working Group in the project implementation.
- ensure a coordinated, integrated and collaborative approach is undertaken in the area of Cash with other sector leads.
- Assist Cash Delegate in organizing various workshop. trainings, and planning.
- Assist the Cash Delegate in ensuring field based project staff receive relevant skills training and knowledge development required for effective implementation

- The Cash Officer will work under the supervision and guidance of Cash Officer. The person will be the principal representative of IFRC to ensure PMI’S CASH activities are implemented.
- The main functions of the Cash Officer will be to establish strong coordination and linkages with PMI Cash Officer in the field to ensure that program activities are implemented successfully.
Please submit your application letter addressing the above qualifications and experience with your curriculum vitae to:
Please indicate on the subject heading: PROGRAM OFFICER CBI – PALU