The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) is an international federation of trade unions representing workers employed in agriculture and plantations; the preparation and manufacture of food and beverages; hotels, restaurants and catering services; all stages of tobacco processing.
The IUF Asia/Pacific Regional Secretariat in Jakarta is urgently seeking enthusiastic, hard-working and committed persons to fill the following position:
Migrant Worker Organizing Officer
The Migrant Worker Organizing Officer will assist local union organizations in developing education and training programs for migrant workers to raise awareness of their rights. An important part of this role is to assist in developing the capacity of unions of migrant workers to defend their members’ rights and increase membership.
In addition, the Migrant Worker Organizing Officer will assist with interviews and documentation of working conditions and rights violations and where required be involved in the advocacy to remedy rights violations.
The Migrant Worker Organizing Officer will be required to interpret for Indonesian migrant workers, translate documents into Indonesian, and write regular reports on activities in English.
The position is open to Indonesian nationals.
A background in the study of migration, development studies, gender and development, social sciences, psychology, or human rights would be an advantage.
Experience in paid or voluntary work in assisting migrant workers or refugees would be welcome.
Candidates should be fluent in English with very good writing skills. Experience in research and report writing in English is required, as well as very good communication skills.
Candidates should be able to work under pressure, exhibit discipline in their approach to work and ensure the accuracy and integrity of their interview results, case studies and data collection. They must be able to live and work overseas for extended periods.
Furthermore, candidates should be committed to human rights, gender equality and social justice, with a view to improving the lives and well-being of working people.
Qualified candidates should send the following documents by email to: asia-admin@iuf.org before March 25, 2019:
- Curriculum Vitae
- A cover letter explaining why the candidate is interested in the position
- At least two reference letters, with the referee’s contact details
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email concerning the next steps in the interview process.