RECOFTC Job Vacancy: Forest Monitoring Specialist, Hanoi - Vietnam

Vacancy Announcement

Position: Forest Monitoring Specialist, USAID Sustainable Forestry Management Project RECOFTC appointment

Application Deadline: 16 March 2023

At RECOFTC, we believe in a future where people live equitably and sustainably in and beside healthy, resilient forests. We take a long-term, landscape-based and inclusive approach to supporting local communities to secure their land and resource rights, stop deforestation, find alternative livelihoods and foster gender equity. We are the only non-profit organization of our kind in Asia and the Pacific. We have more than 35 years of experience working with people and forests, and have built trusting relationships with partners at all levels. Our influence and partnerships extend from multilateral institutions to governments, private sector and local communities. Our innovations, knowledge and initiatives enable countries to foster good forest governance, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

RECOFTC is inviting candidates to apply for the position of Forest Monitoring Specialist as part of the RECOFTC Viet Nam team and the USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project (the Project). The successful applicant will be based in Hanoi, Viet Nam. The contract duration is for 12 months with a possibility of extension subject to satisfactory performance and the project’s budget availability.

Project Background
Forests are important in the global carbon cycle, carbon sequestration and storage. Although Viet Nam increases in overall forest cover, there has been a reduction in both total hectares of natural forests and forest quality. To contribute to reducing land-based emissions and increasing forest carbon sequestration in Vietnam through reduction of deforestation, natural forest degradation and poor timber plantation management practices, USAID Vietnam initiated and implement the USAID Sustainable Forest Management Project (the Project) in seven provinces in Vietnam (Lao Cai, Son La, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Quang Tri, and Quang Nam) in the period of 2020 – 2025.

The goals of the Project are to: (1) avoid carbon emissions from natural forest conversion; (2) increase carbon sequestration through better management of plantation forests; and (3) improve quality, diversity and productivity of natural production forests.

The Project will implement a “Green Prosperity” approach that strengthens local communities’ ability to protect their natural resource base and reduce emissions while building a strong foundation for sustainable livelihoods and equitable economic growth. Engagement with the private sector and improved co-management by communities, local authorities and the national government are at the core of Project activities.

The Project will focus on five main objectives:

  • Improve and expand community forest management
  • Increase conservation-friendly enterprises in forest-dependent communities
  • Increase functionality of law enforcement system for forest crimes
  • Improve production forest management practices
  • Mobilize domestic resources for forest management and protection
Specific tasks and duties
The Forest Monitoring Specialist (the Specialist) works as a part of the Project team and will be supervised by the Community Forest Management (CFM) Director. The Specialist will concentrate on developing monitoring capacity for the Project staff and guide project counterparts to implement cost-effectively monitoring of interventions in forestry, agriculture and other sectors in the target forest areas.

The Forest Monitoring Specialist’s main duties are to:

  • In coordination with the Project’s staff, lead the development of baseline data for sustainable forest management practices in participating community forest areas, using remote sensing technologies and other geospatial information
  • Work with the Project staff including MEL team and CFM Provincial Coordinators, to design and develop spatial maps to monitor progress of demonstration sites of community forest management models
  • Provide technical backstopping and capacity building support under various community forest management modalities including development and implementation of community-level sustainable forest management plans, forest protection plans and related thematic activities including forest protection patrolling, forest development, NTFPs, community-based ecotourism etc.
  • Provide technical backstopping on forest resource inventories and mapping to support community forest management planning processes in line with relevant policies
  • In conjunction with the CFM National Coordinator and Provincial CFM Coordinators, support the data collection on different dimensions of community forest management (ecological, social and economic data), relevant value chains, and other activities that contribute to improved quality, diversity and productivity of target natural forests of the Project.
  • Provide technical assistance to the Project staff, community forest groups and local government to monitor changes of land use in forest areas
  • Support monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) team on data collection, survey, and research related to the Project’s CFM activities.
  • Perform other tasks as assigned by the CFM Director and/or Chief of Party.

Qualifications and experience

  • Bachelor’s or engineering degree in natural resource management or related field and preferably with emphasis on forestry
  • At least eight years of experience in planning, implementation, monitoring and management of forest resources activities, preferably related to community forest monitoring (SMART, PFES monitoring), sustainable forest management and/or CFM projects
  • Strong teamwork and networking skills
  • Proficient in database development, remote sensing and GIS
  • Sound experience and skills in community engagement and facilitation
  • Proficient in report writing and Microsoft Office applications
  • Excellent written and spoken Vietnamese and English

RECOFTC’s core values

At RECOFTC, our core values are the foundation of our culture and guide all our work. In addition to job specific skills and experience, the applicant should possess the following characteristics, attitudes and skills:

  • Embrace innovation
  • Adapt to, and learn from, challenges
  • Collaborate with partners and stakeholders
  • Nurture commitment, responsibility and ownership
  • Prioritize sustainability
  • Cultivate participation, social inclusion and gender equity

How to apply

Interested candidates are requested to submit a CV and a cover letter indicating why they are suitable for this position along with salary requirements and current contact details of three referees, including recent supervisors to Please quote the position title in the subject line of the email. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. RECOFTC has a competitive compensation package. Offers are based on salary history, relevant experience and qualifications of the selected candidate.
