Illegal wildlife trade is a vast,
international, and multi-billion-dollar commercial enterprise. Across
Indonesia, key species including tiger, rhino, elephant, orangutan,
birds, bears, orchids, fish, turtles, pangolins, coral, snakes, sharks
and more are being taken and traded in large volumes and at
unsustainable levels. While Indonesia has a legal framework that
supports the control of wildlife trade, yet its effective implementation
has many barriers.
WCS aims to support the removal of these barriers,
and to remove the threat to Indonesian biodiversity caused by both the
legal and illegal over-exploitation of wild animals and plants.
Training Specialist will support the Wildlife Trade Program (WTP) by
coordinating and assisting the Deputy Program Manager with the planning
and implementation of the WTP training activities throughout target
landscapes and seascapes in Indonesia. The full scope of work will
involve coordinating government partner trainings, including training
needs assessments, training module development, Training of Trainers
(ToT), training delivery, monitoring and analysis of training impacts,
report writing and future planning of training events, based on partner
needs. The position will therefore require close liaison with the
Indonesian government partnering agencies and excellent coordination and
communication skills.
A key part of the ToR will be to develop
institutional sustainability by developing training modules within a
syllabus that receives accreditation by the partnering government
agencies and is therefore fully incorporated within their annual work
plan and budget.
WCS-IP is currently seeking for qualified candidates to fill the following vacancy:
Position: Training Specialist
Based in: Bogor
Reports to: Deputy Program Manager (Capacity Building)
more detailed information about Wildlife Conservation Society –
Indonesia Program, the position and how to apply, please visit our
website at: CLICK HERE
When you are interested on the
above position and consider that you possess the necessary
qualification, please submit your job application consisting of updated
curriculum vitae, expected salary, three professional references and a
cover letter explaining your interest towards this work and/or this
organization to
Please fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format “Training Specialist_(name)”.
Deadline: April 11, 2019
Please also include a portfolio of your previous work or links to blogs or galleries online.
No correspondence, only short-listed candidates will be notified.