Fauna and Flora International Job Vacancy: Marine Programme Manager, Yangon - Myanmar

Marine Programme Manager, Myanmar

Salary: USD 36,000 – USD 38,500 per annum

Start Date: As soon as possible

Contract Type: Two-year fixed-term contract

Location: Yangon, Myanmar

FFI is now seeking a Marine Programme Manager to coordinate its multi-faceted Myanmar Marine Programme. The position oversees projects on Marine Protected Areas establishment, Locally Managed Marine Area management and shark, ray and marine turtle conservation projects.

This position will be working in close collaboration with national staff and provide mentoring and build capacity to support the on-going work of the projects. In addition the role works closely with a number of partners including local indigenous communities, business groups, government, INGOs and research Institutions. The candidate will have skills and experience in project implementation and financial management, fundraising and be able to provide strategic managerial and technical input to the FFI Myanmar Marine Programme in line with FFI’s mission, vision and strategic aims.

Please view the following document for further details of the position and how to apply:

Download Application Pack

The closing date for applications is Sunday, 19 May 2019
