WorldFish Job Vacancy: Internship (Economic Modeling and Foresight Analysis), Penang - Malaysia

WorldFish Job Vacancies 2021
  • Position: Internship (Economic Modeling and Foresight Analysis)
  • Location: Remote Base and/or Penang, Malaysia
  • Application Deadline: 28 May 2021 or until filled
  • Type of contract: 6 months Internship contract
  • Language(s) required:
  • English (excellent written and verbal skills)
WorldFish is an international, not-for-profit research organization that works to reduce hunger, malnutrition, and poverty by improving fisheries and aquaculture. With a 45-years track record of leading-edge science, WorldFish generates research evidence and innovations to inform sustainable practices and inclusive policies that enable better livelihoods and healthier diets for millions of poor people, particularly women, who depend on fish for food, nutrition, and income. WorldFish is a member of CGIAR, the world's largest global partnership on agriculture research and innovation for a food secure future. Headquartered in Penang, Malaysia, and with regional offices across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific, WorldFish leads the cross-disciplinary CGIAR Research Program (CRP) on Fish Agri-Food Systems ( FISH).

Several foresight modeling tools, notably the International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT), have been developed to produce future projections of agricultural commodity production, consumptions, trade, and prices. In the fish sector, an IMPACT fish model was developed and used to generate fish supply and demand projections. To generate fish supply and demand projections at the national and sub-national and at a more disaggregated level, WorldFish has developed an AsiaFish model to carry out fish sector foresight assessments for Asian countries. In recent years, WorldFish further developed the model to produce foresight scenarios for future fisheries and aquaculture development in Indonesia, Cambodia, Zambia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Philippines, and Nigeria. Other users also used the model to explore the future implications of aquaculture development in Singapore. To advance fish foresight modeling to position fish into global and regional food systems while paying attention to national and subnational foresight modeling needs, more investment is needed to refine and improve current foresight modeling. This investment will strengthen national capacity and improve the information support system for policy, planning, and investment decisions at the national and regional levels.

WorldFish is seeking an intern to assist the organization to conduct economic modeling and foresight research of aquatic food systems, and their implications on sustainable and resilient aquatic food systems and the opportunities for increased food, nutrition security, gender equity, and sustainable livelihoods.
