MicroFinance and Insurance specialist - ACTED, Dushanbe

Closing date:  07 Dec 2011
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N.B. This position is dependent on the selection of ACTED as the executing agency for the ADB Project Preparatory Technical Assistance. Position: MicroFinance and Insurance specialist Contract duration: 2 months ACTED is looking for an international MicroFinance and Insurance specialist specialist who will be part of the consultancy team for a Project Preparatory Technical Assistance (PPTA) mission. This mission will carry out technical, economic and social due diligence for a future ADB funded project entitled Building Climate Resilience in the Pyanj River Basin. The outcome of the PPTA will be a full project design, including implementation arrangements, and total project readiness for the future sub-projects under the aforementioned project. This will include detailed engineering design and preparation of bidding documents, endorsed by the Government of Tajikistan and ADB.

Project summary:

The PPTA will identify the most vulnerable communities in the Pyanj River Basin, and for each sub-district select and design physical and non-physical adaptation measures to reduce the adverse effects of climate change on water resources. Potential adaptation measures in the Pyanj river basin have already been identified in a climate change risk assessment carried out under the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience with ADB support and extensive consultations with line ministries, international organizations, civil society, local governments, sub-districts and community-based organizations in the Pyanj River Basin. Infrastructure needs included rehabilitation or construction of climate-proofed infrastructure for: (i) small scale irrigation systems and drainage, including water storage and discharge and other drought management measures; (ii) supply of drinking water; and (iii) flood and mudflows management, including small-scale riverine embankments, soil stabilization and reforestation.

Other measures identified include: (i) early warning systems for floods and droughts; (ii) micro-finance to support the introduction of adaptation measures at the farm and household level, especially for women; (iv) index-based micro-insurance as a climate change risk transfer mechanism and (v) advisory services to provide and disseminate

Overview of position: The MicroFinance and Insurance specialist will be part of a team of 6 international consultants and 18 national consultants covering a number of sectors including water infrastructure and management, climate change, gender elements, and international and national procurement issues. This International Specialist will work alongside a National Specialist who will have experience in MicroFinance in Tajikistan as well as experience in insurance.

Requirement of the Specialist:

The international specialist along with his national counterpart will be responsible for the following outputs:
  • (i) review lessons learned from existing micro financing and insurance schemes, assessment of past and ongoing micro-finance and crop insurance initiatives in Central Asia and documentation of regional and international best practices;
  • (ii) assessment of the need for and viability of a micro financing scheme and an index based crop insurance scheme in the target jamoats and
  • (iii) design a pilot project to test the feasibility of a combined microfinance and crop insurance scheme for farmers in the Pyanj River Basin, based on the principle of compensation according to a multi-criteria weather index, and taking into considerations existing financial institution and potential partnerships with international organizations and local NGOs.
  • The International MicroFinance and Insurance specialist should have at least 10 years working experience in the design and operationalization of micro financial facilities and crop insurance in developing countries; experience in Central Asia is highly desirable.
  • Excellent English (Knowledge of Russian is preferred)
  • Previous experience working in an international and national team of consultants
  • Previous experience of working under ADB projects is preferable
  • Strong communication skills
  • Previous experience in project design and implementation is preferred
  • Flexible operating in challenging work environments
How to apply: 
Submission of CVs should be made to tenders@acted.org Deadline for application: 7th December 2011
