Devjobs - Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Technical Advisor, Viet Nam

The DRM Technical Advisor (DRM TA) is based in the program unit and works within a team composed of other Climate Change (CC) and DRM technical specialists who all together provide direct technical support, guidance and ensure the quality of several Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) / CC stand alone or initiatives where DRR/CC is mainstreamed.

The position contributes to the implementation of the Care International global Climate Change Strategy whose goal is: “Equitable policy and program responses climate change improve the livelihoods and increase the resilience of poor and marginalized women, men, boys and girls“, as well as to CARE Vietnam’s strategy.

How to apply:
To view the Position Description, Terms and Conditions and to complete the on-line Application Cover Sheet please visit the CARE Australia website

Closing date: 09 Feb 2014
